More than 25% of women in the global population complain of leukorrhea. Leukorrhea or
Leucorrhea is a vaginal disorder characterized by the flow of a whitish or yellowish discharge
from the vaginal. The color of the discharge might be greenish as well indicating vaginal
infection. The source of this kind of discharge may be the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tube, or
cervix. More often than not, the cervix is the most common source of these vaginal
discharges. Leukorrhea which is associated with white discharge is not unnatural. It is seen
in pregnant women and also adolescent girls as an odorless and watery white liquid. When
the discharge has a foul odor accompanied by symptoms like inflammation, itching, or pain,
then it becomes a matter of concern as these are symptoms of underlying ailments.
Leukorrhea is not a very serious disease. That being said, attempts at self-medication are
unadvised. A doctor can prescribe the best course of treatment to solve the problem
effectively. He might even suggest some home remedies to reduce the symptoms of
leukorrhea significantly.
Read ahead to find some useful leukorrhea treatment tips that might help you get rid of it
in about a week or so.


Leukorrhea might be the result of multiple factors. It is usually a natural occurrence in
adolescent girls and pregnant women who suffer from an imbalance of the reproductive
hormone called estrogen. The other worrisome and possible causes of leukorrhea are:
● Physical weakness
● Infections
● Yeast infection
● Poor hygiene
● Stress and anxiety
● Nutritional deficiencies
● Cancer

Mild leukorrhea is a natural phenomenon in women. Concerning thicker discharges with a
stench and which are yellowish and greenish imply the signs of vaginal infection. These
leukorrhea home remedies might prove to be beneficial in dealing with it.
1. Cleaning the vagina and the surrounding area with freshly squeezed lemon juice and
water is very useful in getting rid of white discharge.
2. Ladyfinger when consumed raw is one of the best remedies for leukorrhea.
Consuming a slightly steamed lady finger also works in case raw lady finger is difficult
to eat.
3. Ripe bananas work very well in the treatment of leukorrhea
4. Drinking unsweetened fresh Cranberry juice every day is a great home remedy for
getting rid of white discharge
5. Soak coriander in water overnight. Strain this water and drink it on an empty
stomach every day. This is a very effective home remedy for treating leucorrhea.
6. Soaking or boiling fenugreek seeds in boiling water and drinking it daily can help get
rid of leucorrhea.
7. Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a rich source of vitamin C and multiple other nutrients.
Consumption of amla regularly can not only boost immunity significantly but also
helps in treating problems related to leukorrhea.
8. Tulsi is a multipurpose household remedy for a lot of ailments. Therefore it helps in
getting rid of leukorrhea as well. It can be consumed either directly or with other
substances like milk or honey.
9. Drinking water in which rice is boiled or rice starch is great for treating recurrent
cases of leucorrhea.
10. You can also try to boil guava leaves in water and drink that water every day to
alleviate itching and burning sensations experienced due to vaginal discharges.

Even though the leukorrhea home remedies mentioned above might seem to be pretty
straightforward and harmless, they should be only opted for after consulting a doctor.


In terms of Unani medicine, Leukorrhea is called Sailan-ur-rahem. The reasons which cause
leukorrhea are not easy to identify and therefore it might be difficult to treat as well from its
root. Therefore some prevention tips for leukorrhea should be kept in mind:
● Maintaining personal hygiene is of paramount importance. The genitals should be
carefully washed during bath and dried thoroughly afterward to prevent any excess
moisture retention there. In absence of soap, one must make sure to use plenty of
water to clean the vulva and the anus. Cleaning and drying the vagina after urination
is also important.
● Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration and to lose toxins from the body in
the form of metabolic wastes.
● In case of severe leukorrhea where the discharge is profuse
● Avoid eating mushrooms
● Excessive spicy food must be restricted as well
● Avoid consumption of alcohol
● Curd should be incorporated into the diet since it contains lactic acid which helps
in treating leukorrhea. Besides this curd is also a rich source of probiotics which
help in the better digestion of food.
● Always clean undergarments should be worn
● Wet clothes due to rain, sweating or any other reason must be changed as soon
as possible
● Avoid wearing undergarments made of Nylon. These materials should be
especially avoided in summer because they can lead to sweating in the genital
area. Cotton is the best choice for undergarments to avoid infections.
● Applying cosmetic products like powder or anything containing chemicals in the
genital area should be avoided
● Regular exercise is a great way to keep the reproductive hormone levels in check
and it also helps in curbing anxiety.
● Birth control pills should be stopped temporarily in case of mushy vaginal
● Taking precautions during sexual intercourse reduces the risks of vaginal
infections significantly
● A healthy diet should be maintained to avoid nutritional deficiencies. Often
leukorrhea is a cause of poor immunity of the body.

Sometimes leukorrhea can be considered as a sign of puberty when it occurs in teenage
girls. The above-mentioned leukorrhea treatment tips are proven to be effective. But a
doctor should always be consulted before taking any step to treat leukorrhea as the
underlying reasons leading to it are different. Some of the leukorrhea home remedies might
even aggravate the problem and hence precautions should be taken.