Despite popular belief, gaining weight or belly fat isn’t necessarily related to eating habits. The sudden gain in weight could be a result of many acute or serious health conditions. Dieting and starving yourself without medical advice in these conditions could prove to be very harmful. The lack of awareness surrounding weight gain and the increase in fat deposits in the body are especially harmful to women who can be gaining weight because of serious health conditions like cancer. But don’t worry, you can find out all about it here!
Let’s see what are the reasons for sudden weight gain!
An unprovoked gain in weight or belly fat could be nothing to worry about or it could be an indication of a serious health condition. Weight can be determined by many factors like genetics, hormones, diet or metabolism, etc. Anything affecting these factors can cause you to gain weight and you might see an increase in fat deposits in your body. The answer isn’t to completely forego fatty foods and follow diets that could potentially harm you. Fats are important for the body and we need them to produce energy and keep us healthy. What you need to do is seek medical attention and find out your exact weight gain reasons. You can follow strict diets if and when a physician and doctor suggest you do
so only.
Although weight gain could mean very different things for women, weight gain reasons in
male and female bodies can both be due to a lot of very trivial or serious issues. Let’s take a
look at some reasons why you might be feeling bloated or gaining weight suddenly
1. Your diet is very unhealthy and high in sugar and sodium content. Your eating habits
could also be affecting you, eating too much or too little can result in weight gain.
2. There is too much production of growth hormones in your body.
3. Drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages is a reason for weight gain in stomach.
4. Stress can cause you to gain weight.
5. Not moving your body or exercising can result in increased fat deposits in your body.
6. Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for weight gain, drinking water is
important for proper metabolism, and not doing so results in increased fat deposits.
7. Diabetes and insulin medication can also cause sudden weight gain and loss.
8. Improper metabolism means that fat isn’t properly broken down and it causes the
fat deposits in our body to increase.
9. Not enough sleep or improper sleep schedules can result in sudden weight gain.
10. Depression or anxiety medication is known to cause sudden weight gain or loss in
people as they interfere with various hormones in the body.
11. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that causes a sudden gain in weight.
The weight gain reasons in female bodies could be even more serious than usual. They
could be a result of drastic changes in hormones or the uterine environment. Let’s take a
look at what are the reasons for sudden weight gain in women:
1. Premenstrual syndrome(PMS)
2. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
3. Pregnancy
4. Endometriosis
5. Ovarian cancer
6. Menopause
Here are some simple tips to help you get rid of those extra fat deposits:
1. First, Do checkups with your doctor whenever you gain weight to rule out any other
possibilities or health conditions.
2. Switch to a healthier diet with more fiber content and lesser sugar and salt.
3. Reduce or avoid consuming alcoholic beverages
4. Exercise daily, even if it’s just a jog around the nearest park or running around the
house with your dog.
5. Meditate and keep your mind calm and stress-free.
6. Go to therapy and try to reduce reliance on antidepressants and anti-anxiety
7. Make a proper sleep schedule that allows you to sleep at least 7 hours every day,
even if it’s broken down into 4 naps a day.
8. Eat food that is easier to digest for your body so even with slower metabolism you
don’t gain weight.
9. Take advice from your doctor or physician before taking any medications or going on
diets so you don’t worsen your health condition.
Sudden weight gain isn’t always related to the kind of food you eat or your eating habits, it
can also be a result of serious health conditions. To combat the extra few Kgs you put on or
to lose that extra belly fat, you need to first understand what are the reasons for sudden
weight gain. So when you gain weight, don’t start dieting and exercising profusely right
away, consult a doctor to rule out any other reasons, and then, with the help of your
physician or doctor, administer diets and medications to lose weight.
1. Can drinking cucumber water help in weight loss?
Yes, cucumber has high water content and will keep you healthy and hydrated.
2. Do I need to be worried if I experience stomach aches with sudden weight gain?
Yes, sudden weight gain with stomach aches can be a result of an underlying health
condition. I’d suggest you visit a doctor immediately.