Thyroid is a common disease among people. Naturally, it is all about the harm it causes to
various parts of the body either directly or indirectly. In the case of women, things get a
little more complicated. Thyroid is a condition that, if left untreated, can actually cause
devastating problems like infertility, still birth, miscarrigae and so on. Given the rise in cases,
it is essential to spread awareness regarding the dangers of thyroid.
This article enlists thyroid effects in females.
Thyroid is a troublesome problem. Either directly or indirectly, all the parts of the body are
affected by it.
Given below are some thyroid side-effects that affect women in particular.
1. Menstruation suffers.
Thyroid affects the normal menstrual cycle. As a result, most women experience
delays in periods. Besides hormone imbalance, i.e., either very high or very low
levels of thyroid hormone, causes either very light or very heavy menstrual periods.
In some cases, it can also lead to absent menstrual periods, also known as
2. Getting pregnant becomes hard.
When thyroid disease affects the menstrual cycle, it also affects ovulation. Thus,
making it difficult to conceive. Both overactive and underactive thyroid can affect
ovulation. As the ovaries find it difficult to release eggs, it leads to development of
cysts if the female is diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. This problem can also cause
milk production in the breast, while preventing ovulation.
3. Complicated pregnancy and postpartum.
Even if you conceive, there is still a high possibility that you might have to face
various hardships during the nine month period. Thyroid disorders can harm the
baby. It can also lead to devastating consequences like miscarriage, stillbirth,
preterm delivery and even postpartum hemorrhage. Excess level of thyroid or an
overactive thyroid causes severe morning sickness in pregnant ladies. Furthermore,
it can cause postpartum thyroiditis – a thyroid problem caused post delivery. To
avoid these circumstances, an appropriate treatment is necessary.
4. Menopausal issues

Thyroid can lead to early menopause, i.e., menopause before 40 years of age or
during the early 40s. It is essential to note that certain symptoms of overactive
thyroid like delayed periods, amenorrhea, hot flashes, insomnia, even mood swings,
may be mistaken for early menopause. Right treatment can provide a relief from
these symptoms as well as also prevent early menopause from happening.
The other common side effects of thyroid are as follows:
1. Fluctuation in weight
This is definitely one of the primary thyroid effects in females. In the underactive
thyroid, metabolism slows down. As a result, the weight increases. In overactive
thyroid, the body functions speed up. Ultimately, the weight decreases drastically.
2. Hair loss
Not only can you lose hair, but also the texture of hair deteriorates. If you observe
your hair getting brittle and breaking off despite moisturizing, it could be a sign of
hypothyroidism. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause hair thinning.
3. Skin dryness
Skin gets super dried out in thyroid. It makes the skin dry and dull, ultimately
affecting the physical appearance, which sometimes also affects the person
mentally. Afterall, there might be times when physical appearance matters a lot.
4. Abnormal blood pressure
This is another basic side effect of thyroid in people. It has been established that the
thyroid hormone is in constant communication with the heart. Therefore, it is
capable of impacting the pace of the heart beat. In hypothyroidism, heart rate is
slower than normal, which affects a host of other organs and body functions. On the
contrary, the heart rate speeds up in hyperthyroidism, thus causing extra stress and
5. Fatigue and weakness
Hypothyroidism wipes you out of all the energy. This also contributes to weight gain
with hypothyroidism. In hyperthyroidism, the person generally wounds up, but this
can also result in fatigue. In both conditions, a person might also suffer from muscle
aches, joint stiffness, and weakness. This further gives you a reason to not be active.
6. Frequent need to go to the bathroom
Often people with thyroid feel the need to rush to the bathroom more than others.
Problems like constipation are also very common among thyroid victims.

7. Mood changes
Mood swings are as common as stones in the street. Hypothyroidism pushes a
person into depression while hyperthyroidism makes people anxious, irritable, and
tremulous. Both the problems can make you feel out of control mentally and
emotionally. It is therefore, that a person should seek mental health treatment to
resolve these issues.
8. Sensitivity to either heat or cold
People tend to be temperature sensitive when dealing with thyroid. In
hypothyroidism, a person feels colder than usual due to slowed blood circulation.
However, in hyperthyroidism, a person tends to become super-sensitive to any heat.
As a result, they may sweat a lot more than it seems like other people do.
9. Dry and puffy eyes
Hyperthyroidism can lead to visual changes. It can further cause eyes to protrude.
Dry, irritated eyes also result from both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
10. Lower body swelling
Many females have experienced swelling in knees, hip, ankle joints, and feet post
diagnosis. It is a sign of fluid retention, which can be caused due to hypothyroidism.
Thyroid can be additional problematic for women. Thyroid effects in females are considered
to be worse in females than in others. It is wise to consult a doctor in time to make sure the
problem does not alleviate.