Kidney stones are deposits made up of minerals and salts that form inside your kidney.
Kidney stones have multiple causes, and they can affect any part of your urinary tract –
kidney, ureter and also the gallbladder. Taking precautions for kidney stone problems is
really important. If stones get lodged or stuck in the urinary tract, they can cause some
severe issues, and they might need to be removed surgically.
Studies have shown that over half the people who get a stone will get another one within
five years. Thus, it's essential you do what you can to prevent getting kidney stones in the
first place, or if you have had a stone before, avoid getting another one. So, here are the 4
significant precautions that you must take to prevent the problems of stones.
There is a list of pretty generic recommendations of kidney stones, especially if it's common
such as calcium stones. Below is the answer to your question: What are the precautions for
kidney stones?
1. Drink Water
● Drinking enough fluids each day comes at the top when we talk about kidney stone
● You should get at least 2 to 3 litres of water or low-calorie drinks each day, which is
about 8 to 10-ounce glasses.
● Additionally, you may need to drink even more if you are exposed to high ambient
temperatures or frequently exercise that causes excessive sweating.
● Your urine output volume depends on how much water you drink and the fluid you
are taking in.
● It is the easiest way to reduce the concentration of your urine and is proved to be an
essential driving factor.
● The output goal of your urine should be 2-3 litres or two to three quarts a day.
2. Reduce The Amount Of Salt In Your Diet
● Another thing that is helpful against kidney stones is lower salt intake.
● Lowering the amount of salt intake is vital for calcium elimination in the urine.
● Lower protein is beneficial in calcium stones. The calcium intake itself should also be
● This precaution is for people consuming high sodium and having high urine calcium,
and cystine.
● High sodium can result in both urine calcium and cystine being too high, which is
actually harmful.
● Your healthcare provider may advise you to avoid adding salt to your food and avoid
foods with lots of salt such as cheese, meats, butter, canned soups, and veggies.
3. Eat Healthy Fruits And Vegetables
● Eat at least five servings of fruits and veggies every day.
● A single serving means one piece of fruit or half a cup of cooked vegetables.
● Eating food with low oxalate levels is essential if you have high urine oxalate.
● Although nearly all plant foods have oxalates, some contain a lot of them. These
include beets, spinach, almonds. So avoid taking these foods.
● Limit your daily meat intake. This includes all types of meat – beef, chicken or fish.
● Eat meat only once per day instead of consuming it two to three times.
● Try to have meat fewer times during the week or in smaller portions. A portion
should be 8 ounces or less, the size of a deck of cards.
● If protein intake is needed, try to get it from non-animal sources such as beans.
● It's crucial that you do not consume too little or too much calcium when taking
precautions for kidney stones.
4. Take The Prescribed Medications
● It has been found that thiazide-type diuretics actually reduce calcium in the urine,
thus, preventing the formation of kidney stones.
● Potassium citrate pills or syrup increase citrate in the urine, which turns out to be a
protection against kidney stones.
● Drugs that reduce uric acid production like Allopurinol can be used for precautions in
kidney stones.
● Remember that these prescriptions depend on what kind of stone you have.
● Talk with your healthcare provider about your medications and follow what they
● Please do not take any medicine without asking your nephrologist.
Kidney stone disease is one of the most common problems of the urinary tract. It has
become more common over the past few decades among both men and women. So taking
precautions for kidney stones has become of utmost importance. Changing your diet and
drinking more water have been shown to be the best at preventing a stone from forming in
the first place and keeping you from getting another one in the future. We have provided
you with five things you can do to prevent future kidney stones.
Remember that not every tip will work for every stone patient. The recommendations are
not one-size-fits-all. If you feel that lifestyle and dietary changes are not helping, talk to your
healthcare provider to see if there is a medication you can take to prevent the type of
stones you form.