Daily exercise is undeniably fruitful for maintaining not the physical but also, the mental well-being of a person. When it comes to people with heart problems, it can ensure a significant improvement in their health. Studies have shown that exercising regularly can reduce the risk of heart complications by 21 percent in men and 29 percent in women. The prominence of heart problems has significantly increased in not just old people but also adults above 20 years of age. Medical surveys have shown that an estimated number of 17.9
million people die each year due to cardiovascular problems. To rectify this situation, There are a variety of exercises that have been proven safe and effective for heart patients. This article emphasizes the need, benefits and types of exercise for heart patients.


Definitely, yes! Being diagnosed with a disease is an indication that the body now seeks
extra care to function properly. Given that in a heart patient, the heart is not in its healthiest
state, it is your duty to indulge in activities that can reduce your chances of experiencing
severe cardiovascular diseases/disorders as well as their fatal consequences, by aiding the
health of your heart.


A person who suffers from diseases or disorders that affect the health and functioning of
their heart, is termed as a heart patient. There are a variety of problems associated with the
heart. Few of them are as given below:
1. Coronary heart disease
2. Arrhythmia
3. Congenital heart defects
4. Atherosclerosis
5. Cardiomyopathy
6. Hypertension

7. Heart failure
8. Peripheral artery disease

A person suffering from any of the above stated or other heart diseases experiences extra
hardships. These diseases come with a variety of symptoms that disrupt the otherwise
normal functioning of their body. Chest pain, breathlessness, nausea, choking sensation,
fatigue , etc., are few of the most prominent symptoms observed in heart patients.
While there are a variety of surgical procedures and medications available for the treatment
of these problems, the first step in the process of recovery begins at home. Lifestyle changes
like exercising regularly is considered to be that part of the process which can significantly
improve your heart’s strength and health.


This is how exercising helps you heart:

1. It prevents obesity by helping you shed weight.
2. It controls blood glucose levels.
3. It prevents the chances of strokes.
4. It helps in controlling blood pressure.
5. It boosts your energy level, thus reducing fatigue.
6. It keeps the heart rate in check.
7. It stimulates the circulation of blood in the body.


Here’s the different types of exercises and how they can benefit you.
1. Just Walk: The easiest of all, is to walk. If you have just begun to exercise, we would
recommend you start with this. According to the reports from American Heart
Association, walking for 30 minutes can help in resolving heart complications.
2. Aerobics : Make sound a little fancy, but it is one of the easiest and effective
workouts. It includes brisk walking, cycling, swimming etc.
3. Yoga for heart : This age old form of workout has been a savior and cure for mankind
since time immemorial. Various yoga postures or asanas like Trikonasana,

Gomukhasana, Paschimottanasana, Setu Bandhasana, etc., are well known for
promoting heart health. Yoga helps in stretching and flexibility.
4. Resistance training : This form of exercise is most useful for shedding wait. It
decreases the level of bad cholesterol in the body. This form of workout includes
exercising with free weights. For example, dumbbells and kettlebells. It also includes
exercising on weight machines, using resistance bands, doing push-ups, squats, etc.

1. Is there any specific heart patient exercise plan?
There are sets of certain exercises that are considered safe for heart patients of all
ages. For those who need guidance, health coaches, guides, teachers are easily
available online – on the internet as well as offline – in and around your
neighborhood. They can suggest various exercise plans suitable and convenient for
2. How much exercise is ideally required for heart patients?
Exercising 30 mins a day is more than sufficient for people with heart problems. This
fatality risk decreases if a heart patient exercises for at least 150 minutes in a week.
3. Can exercise and dietary changes solve heart issues?
Both the factors play an equally important role. However, many times, medications
may be required for the proper functioning of the heart. It is best that you follow
whatever is advised by your doctor.


Exercising is as important as any medication or surgical procedure for heart problems. It is
the most natural way to rectify health issues associated with the heart. The variety of
exercise for heart patients controls various factors like blood circulation, heart rate, blood
pressure and blood glucose levels. Together with a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle and right
medications, exercise routines can work marvelously to promote overall heart health.