Two of the common areas for stubborn fats are the stomach and buttocks. Sometimes, even after disciplined dieting and workouts, it becomes hard to shed off the fats stored in these areas. But don’t worry, we have got your back. We will tell you about some effective exercises to reduce butt fat and get rid of cellulite. So, here we go!
The dimpled flesh or skin that we commonly see on the thighs, buttocks, hips, and stomach where the stubborn fats get stored. Cellulite is often confused with stretch marks but these are two different things. Cellulite occurs when there is fat and the dimples do not appear after stretching the skin. On the other hand, stretch marks can occur in spite of being thin and pulls and stretches theskin that causes the scars. Today, we will learn about the one particular area that is most affected by cellulite – the butt area.
1. Walking Lunge
One of the root causes of butt cellulite is less movement. So, let’s start with an easy butt exercise.
● Stand straight with feet joined together and hands on the waist.
● Take a lunge with your right leg.
● The left leg comes down in a kneeling position without the knees touching the
ground with the right leg making an L – shaped pose too.
● Now, without stopping, bring your left foot forward, lunge, and bend
● We must complete at least 10 total reps for starters and gradually increase the count.
2. Jump Lunges
Now, instead of walking, we have to jump while we lunge. This exercise for butt helps in
muscle endurance and toning the legs. The steps are:
● Stand straight with feet together and hands by the side. It is better for the palm to
be made into a fist.
● Now, take a jump and fall back in a lunge position with your right leg being in the
● Hold on for 2 to 3 seconds and jump back.
● Repeat the process immediately, keeping the left foot forward this time.
● 15 total reps, that is, 15 with right foot forward + 15 with left foot forward = 30
lunges, is an ideal number for starters.
3. Glute Bridge
The side muscles of the hip are known as the glute, another storage house of fats. We can
see the presence of cellulite on this portion of the hips as well. These factors make this an
excellent exercise to reduce butt fat and get rid of the dimpled-bulging hips.
● Lie down on the floor and relax.
● Now fold your knees and bring your feet near the hips.
● Keep your feet apart and hands must be kept by your side.
● Now, keep your hands and feet firm and lift your body.
● Make a straight line from the knees to the face and hold on to this position for 1 or 2
● Then bring the body back to the ground and relax.
● Re[eat the exercise and complete 10 reps for starters. If you are an avid workout
person then you may increase the counts at your convenience.
4. Jumping Squats
Jumping squats is an effective exercise to increase butt size and make them large. With so
many different trends going on across the globe, the body shape of actresses has become a
trend too.
Actresses like Kendall Jenner, Sofia Vergara, Kim Kadarshian, Cardi B are highly famous for
their attractive body shape apart from their flawless talents.
● Spread your feet and sit in a squat position
● Now keep your hand fisted and by your side and jump.
● Then fall back into the squat position with hands coming to the front.
● Repeat this exercise 10 times and increase your count gradually.
5. Step-up Exercise
Step-up exercise is a very simple exercise and it's feasible too. It is similar to walking upstairs
but the difference here is that the height here increases. This exercise is usually performed
using a stool or a rigid bench.
● Keep the stool in front of you and stand straight
● Make a fist and bring it at your shoulder height, just like a boxer
● Now, put your right foot on the stool
● Lift your body weight using the left foot
● And bring your thighs parallel to the ground at the height of your waist.
● The position is similar to running.
● Then put the left foot on the ground along with the right foot
● Repeat the exercise using your left foot now.
● Do the exercise 10 to 15 times and gradually increase the count.
These are some of the effective exercises to reduce butt fat and get a toned butt as well. The shape of ur butt is highly influencing in making or spoiling our overall body look and shape. So, we must take care of it. Try these exercises and choose the most effective one for yourself!