Holidays are the fun time of our lives which we eagerly look forward to. A little break from monotonous work-life, strict low-carb diets, and various other responsibilities. Do you remember the buzz and excitement of the summer holidays back in school? That was basically the most exciting time of our lives which all the students look forward to. The much-needed break from school, away from studies, homework, and early mornings. And most importantly, the excitement to go to our grandma’s home.
How many of you have spent most of your summers at your grandma’s place? I bet a lot of us have. We can agree on the fact that nobody loves and pampers us more than our granny’s and visiting their house was just the best part of childhood. Having all the
cousins come over together and all the playtime we got was the happiness we could ask for. Little did we know, it won’t be half of the things we wish for after being a grown-up! The food cooked at grandma’s home always tastes better, isn’t it? Even a simple vegetable, dal, and chapati meal tastes so much better than the ones made by our mothers. Also, granny’s are the best people to go to get any of our wishes fulfilled. Be it a demand for good food, a toy, or a new dress, granny’s will fulfill them all. Another thing that granny’s are famous for is luring us with our favorite foods made by her. Do you remember the different types of pickles and sweets you used to have at grandma’s place? They tasted divine. With no added tension about extra ghee or weight gain, we devoured and savored all the food, double our capacity.
But it is not so today. With changing times, maintaining good health and focusing on body shape is very important to stay fit and healthy. Going on a vacation does not give us the right to break free from low carb diets and binge eat all the junk possible. Spreading water
over all the hard work and control. Sometimes, cheating on the diet does seem fair but repetitive instances can be troublesome. So, we have got you interesting low carb diets for your holidays that will help
in keeping you energized without adding extra weight.
Many people ponder upon questions like what are low-carb foods or whether low carb
food’s veg or not? So let us clear all the confusion once and for all.
Low-carb foods refer to foods without carbohydrates. Food items that have no or very low
carbohydrate content restrict the storage of extra fats in the body. Thereby, helping in
weight loss and getting a fat-free body.
Some of the low carb food items are:
A meal is incomplete without some tasty vegetables. Most people look out for potatoes and
paneer when it comes to vegetables. But my friend they have high carbohydrate content.
So, while on a holiday try and eat low-carb vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, zucchini,
cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. A nice salad with minimum seasonings sounds like a good option.
Fruits should be a part of your low carb food list without a doubt. Fruits are rich in fiber and
vitamins which help better functioning of the body and provide energy. Eating a bowl of
fruit is enough to fill your stomach for some time. However, depending too much on fruits is
not a good option. Make sure to eat it as a snack and not on an empty stomach.
Being on a low carb diet does not mean that you have to give away non-veg food. In fact,
eggs are a good source of protein and nutrition. So, you can order a nice omelet cooked
with less oil and more vegetables.
For all sea-food lovers, salmon is a good option to fulfill your seafood cravings. With 0%
carbohydrates and a high count of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 along with good fats. Just
make sure that less oil is used to grill the meat and nutritious side dishes are chosen.
The main source of junk food on a holiday is while traveling. The fun of munching snacks
while exploring places and traveling makes the journey much more fun. Now, this is where
we have to find an alternative. Having nuts like almonds, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds,
and flax seeds are rather healthy alternatives to junk foods.
These are a must-have while on a low carb diet as they are a rich source of nutrition and
energy. Holidays are always better when we have lots of energy and vibrance to explore!
Most of us wait for months to plan a fun holiday getaway for ourselves. Many of us exercise
and diet to get into shape before the holidays to get the best pictures. So, why stop being on
a diet during and after holidays?
Low carb diets are somewhat easy to maintain because there are many alternatives. So,
have a nutritious and energized holiday.