The most annoying sensation in this world is, perhaps, that of itching. The distraction and
irritation that it causes to the mind and body are so intense that the best of us are unable to
ignore it and give in to scratching that sore spot.
Now, imagine that same annoyingly itchy sensation down there – a spot you certainly can’t
scratch and itch! Yes, as brutal as it sounds, vaginal itching is a real problem that a lot of
women have to deal with – it is a lot more common than you think.
If you have never heard of this problem or are currently dealing with it, here is all the
information you need to know: what vaginal itching entails, some of its potential causes,
how you can actively prevent it, and how you can treat it at home.
Let’s get started and first attempt to understand what the problem is all about before
moving on to the other things, like how to stop itching down there.


Vaginal itching refers to an uncomfortable and painful sensation in the vaginal area that is
often accompanied by a burning sensation and swelling down there.
While vaginal itching can be nothing to worry about, it can be a symptom of a serious
underlying problem. To better understand some of the potential causes of itching in vaginal
area, let’s take a look at the most common underlying causes of the problem.


Keep in mind that there are various factors that might lead to vaginal itching, the list
contains only five of those factors that are the most common – contact your doctor to make
sure you have nothing to worry about.
Here is a list of 5 potential reasons you might experience itching in vagina:


Poor vaginal hygiene is one of the most common reasons for vaginal itching. Like you clean
all of your body using products to make sure you wash all dirt and bacteria off, it is
important to do the same for your vagina. It is extremely sensitive and prone to infections,
poor hygiene can lead to the growth of bacteria.


Another one of the most common reasons behind itching in vaginal area is exposure to
irritants. While it is important to clean the genital area and the clothes that cover it, it is
also important to ensure that the products you use for the purpose are made from
ingredients that are safe and won’t cause you any allergies down there.

The vagina normally has a type of yeast present on the lining, it is when the growth of this
yeast exceeds the normal amount that a yeast infection takes root. This is a very common
condition and affects 7 out of 10 women. Yeast infections are often caused by antibiotics as
they can kill the good bacteria that keep the growth of yeast in check.
As you take antibiotics, make sure to take something that will protect the good bacteria.
If you are going through or approaching menopause, there is a possibility that you might
develop vaginal itching. This occurs as the amount of estrogen levels drops down, leaving
the vagina dry and unlubricated. Excessive dryness can lead to vaginal itching.
Yes, stress can impact the way your genital area behaves! In fact, it is one of the more
common reasons for vaginal itching. Physical and mental stress, along with emotional
vulnerability, can inhibit your immune system and make you prone to vaginal infections –
these can then lead to vaginal itching.
Now that we know some of the common reasons for vaginal itching, let’s see how it can be
treated at home.
Here are some home remedies for itching in private parts:

● Coconut oil:
Brimming with fatty acids, coconut oil has many benefits and antifungal properties.
Not only will it make the vaginal area less dry, but also eliminate the chances of a
fungal infection. Coconut oil can be directly applied to the affected area.

● Yogurt and honey:
While it might sound absurd, applying a yogurt and honey paste on the affected area
down there will treat the itching. While yogurt is a probiotic and will balance out the
overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria, honey will have a soothing effect.

● Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help prevent
the growth of bacteria and restore balance. The most effective way to use apple
cider vinegar for vaginal itching is by taking a bath with about half a cup of it mixed
Here are some basic hygiene tips that you can use for preventing/treating vaginal itching:
● Clean your vaginal area regularly with soap and water.
● Do not use products with fragrances and allergens in the vaginal area.
● Wear clothes that allow breathing room down there and aren’t too tight.
● Make sure to have a healthy diet with a lot of vegetables and probiotics.

The uncomfortable feeling that comes with vaginal itching can be prevented and treated
pretty easily, it’s not something to be concerned about if it isn’t accompanied by any other
Equipped with the knowledge of what vaginal itching means, its causes and its treatment,
you can make sure that you never fall prey to it and can actively work to avoid or treat it.