Yoga is an ancient disciple emerging from the Indian Scriptures, The Vedas. Yoga practices help in balancing, relieving, and uplifting an individual spiritually, physically, and mentally. Popularly known as asanas, yoga talks about different body postures that benefit our body. There are different yoga asanas for weight loss, for breathing problems, for height, etc. Practicing yoga, each day brings in calmness to the body and opens up or strengthens our concentrating power, inducing creativity and brain sharpness. Yoga is one of the low-budget developments of our body where the only investment is our time with greater returns on investments. So, let us explore some weight loss yoga poses and benefit our bodies.


There are many asanas or fat loss yoga that will help you get rid of extra weight, tone your
body, induce energy and provide mental calmness. Some of the yoga asanas for weight loss

● Widen your legs as much as you can and stand straight.
● Take a deep breath and lift the arms horizontally and bring it in line with the
● Now, exhale and bend towards the right side of your body. Make your right hand
touch the right foot.
● The left hand must be pointing towards the ceiling.
● Turn your face towards the left hand and lookup.
● Hold the pose for 10 to 20 seconds and then straighten up.
● Now, repeat the steps towards the left side of the body.
● Continue to do yoga asana 5 times on each side alternatively.

When it comes to weight loss yoga, the triangular pose or trikonasana is always considered
to be the best asana to look up to.

2. The Bow Pose or Dhanurasana
● Lie on the stomach and keep your legs straight and relaxed.
● Hands must be straight and by our side.
● Slowly bend the knees and bring the legs forward, towards the face.
● As the legs come forward, hold the ankles from the hands resting by your side.
● Inhale and lift your chest, trying to look straight.
● Stretch your legs as much as you can, in the forward direction while keeping your
face straight.
● Hold the pose for 20 seconds and release.
● Repeat the asana 5 times to get the best results.

3. The Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana

As the name suggests, you will look like a snake after performing this weight loss yoga exercise. So, ready to look like one?

● Lie down on your stomach and relax the legs and arms.
● Now, widen your legs and bring your arms to the shoulders
● Rest the hands by exerting pressure on the palm
● Inhale and lift your chest high enough by exerting pressure and grip of the hands.
● Make sure your hands are straight while lifting the chest.
● Now, stretch the body from the stomach and pull your body.
● Hold the position for at least 10 to 15 seconds and then exhale.
● Rest for a few seconds and repeat the asana 5 times at least.

4. The Plank Pose or Chaturanga Dandasana

● Lie down on the stomach and relax
● Bring your hands to the shoulders and make them into a fist.
● Now rest your hands by resting the fist to the elbow part in the upright position.
● Keep your toes on the floor
● Now, take a deep breath, hold and lift the body
● The weight of the body should be supported by the toes of the legs and the hands
● Try to hold it for 20 to 60 seconds and repeat 4 to 5 times.

5. The Downward Dog Pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana

It is one of the effective yoga asanas for weight loss that pulls in all the muscles of the body
and helps in breaking down the fat.

● Lie on the stomach and relax the body
● Rest your palms near the shoulders
● Now put your feet as if you would walk.
● Inhale and lift the body on the balance of palms and feets
● Hold for 20 seconds at least, exhale and repeat the exercise 2 to 3 times.


All of these are excellent and highly effective yoga asanas for weight loss. Weight gain is a
generic problem that most of us face. Some face it due to obesity or excessive eating while
others face it because of some illness.

But why should these factors stop us from getting into good shape? To be the best we have
to suffer through the most. So, we have to control our minds and be determined about
losing weight. These yoga asanas for weight loss are the first step towards a healthy life and
safeguards us from future diseases or problems too.