The problem of kidney stones is very common and a lot of people suffer from it all over the
globe, more than 10 million people are diagnosed with kidney stones every year. Not only is
this problem extremely painful and uncomfortable, but also has serious health implications
for overall health and can be life-threatening if it goes undetected for a long period of time.
As it is a serious health concern that has been bothering people for a long period of time, it
is important for people to understand the potential causes for this problem so they can do
everything in their power to avoid it. Being aware of the reasons behind kidney stones can
also help people identify the problem in case they suffer from it.
If you are someone who is suffering from kidney stones but don’t know what could have
caused you to develop this problem, here is a list of the potential reasons for kidney stones
that might be behind your condition. Let’s first begin by taking a look at what kidney stones
are and then move onto the reasons behind this health problem.

Kidney stones refer to a medical condition in which hard stone-like structures that are
composed of excessive or undissolved salts and minerals form within the kidneys. These
stones are usually very small but are extremely painful and can cause discomfort and
additional health problems.

Even though there are many reasons that can lead to the development of kidney stones, this
list contains those reasons of kidney stones that have been most commonly reported and
can easily be responsible as they result from lifestyle habits.

You are more susceptible to kidney stones if your parents or grandparents suffer from it as
well because it is a genetic health problem that can be passed down. A predisposition to
kidney stones with a lifestyle that makes it more possible is one of the most common stones
in kidney reason.

Kidney stones form as a result of excessive salts and minerals in the body, which are to be
passed through urine. If you don’t drink enough water and produce a healthy amount of
urine, these salts and minerals don’t get diluted or dissolved and turn to stone-like
structures in the kidney itself.

Your everyday diet and eating habits play a huge role in whether you get kidney stones or
not. While there are many dietary habits that can contribute to the development of kidney
stones, the most common dietary reason of stone in kidney is the intake of too much table
salt. As these stones result from excessive salt in the body and not enough water to dilute it,
this comes as no surprise.
Another aspect of the diet that can cause kidney stones is the regular inclusion of red meat
in the diet. Red meat can increase the levels of uric acid in the body and make the pee too
acidic, which is another reason behind the formation of kidney stones.
If you eat processed food or food that contains a lot of salt or eat a lot of red meat, you
might develop kidney stones.

High levels of sugar in the blood can make the urine more acidic as a side effect, which
encourages the formation of stones in the kidney. If you have high blood sugar levels or
diabetes, you can easily develop kidney stones without proper care and medication. Other
medical conditions that increase blood sugar levels can also lead to kidney stones.

It has been found that people who are obese are 50% more likely to develop kidney stones
as compared to people who are in a healthy weight range. Obesity is more than just being
overweight, it is a serious health concern with life-threatening and very serious health
implications, of which kidney stone is one.
If your BMI falls in the obese category and you are unhealthy, you might develop kidney
stones and other problems related to the kidneys.

Problems of the digestive system such as diarrhea, indigestion, acidity, and inflammatory
bowel disease, etc., can lead to the development of kidney stones. As digestive problems
often reduce the amount of pee produced by the body, the salts and minerals remain
undissolved and form stones.
As a result of digestive problems, your body might absorb more oxalate than required from
the body, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones. If you suffer from intense and
recurring digestive problems, you are more likely to develop kidney stones.

This list of reason for kidney stone contains some of the most common reasons behind the
problem and can help you determine what might have caused you to get them. If you
understand the reasons behind it, you’ll be able to treat it better and make sure to prevent
it in the future.