Different bodies have different requirements. While crafting an effective exercise routine, you might be conflicted when it comes to cardio- is walking more effective than running, or is it the other way around? You could be a beginner at exercising or simply interested in
trying new things for leg day. Of course, with an excellent diet and exercise plan, your body can go a long way in building strength and losing excess fat through different types of weight loss exercise. Still, you might be wondering- can I put in less effort and gain more from my exercise routine by choosing walking over running? Read this article to understand the positive effects of exercising to lose weight, and which method is more effective for you!
There are many reasons why you might be considering losing weight. Whether it is to work on persisting health conditions like heart diseases, obesity, or even fighting your growth hormones, losing weight in a healthy manner can help you immensely. Exercising is one way to go about it, while dieting is also essential to aid your physical activity to show results on your body in terms of increased strength, toned muscles, etc. There are many reasons to lose weight, and we can go on about it for a long time, but what is the best method of conducting weight loss exercise? Let’s find out if walking is more
beneficial than running!
If you are new to exercising, walking could be a good start for you. Straining your body from the first day of exercising can be very distressing and harmful for your body. So if you’re a beginner, walking can be a great start for you! There are different ways you can do weight loss by walking. There is speed walking, power
walking, and even walking with a weight vest around your body.
When we talk about speed walking, it is a brisk walk that helps you burn more calories than walking at your normal pace to the grocery shop or walking your dog. It helps you increase your heart rate and burn fat if you ensure walking above three mph. Power walking is another effective way to lose weight where you can burn a similar amount of calories and fat as you might burn while jogging. However, it is faster than speed walking and almost transitions into jogging often times. Losing weight through walking can be quite simple at first. However, it is not very effective in the long run as your muscles get used to the pace and require more push to keep losing weight and burning calories effectively. However, power walking can be helpful for aged people who cannot afford to run but still want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
If you are someone who has been exercising for a while now and wants to take it a step further, doing intense cardio or doing weight loss by running can help you continue boosting your stamina and strength. However, it is a much more impactful exercise alternative than walking, which may be disagreeable for different types of people.
It has been found that runners have a high risk of injury. There are ways to counter that by giving your body the rest it needs, not pushing yourself harder than your body can take, and alternating between different speeds to give your body the rest it requires during the active exercise period. Studies have found that running helps in building stamina and burning more calories than a walking regimen can help with. However, it is always important to account for the type of body you have when you decide on an exercise routine for yourself.
Running can take you a long way as it helps most individuals. Still, suppose you are prone to injury or have a medical history or family history of bone-weakening or blood disorders. In that case, it may not be the best approach to exercising for your unique genetic build-up.
You are not missing out if you do not opt for running as there are many other types of exercises that can help you burn fat!
In order to get the best out of your weight loss exercise, it is essential that you understand the present state of your body. Evaluate your priorities and goals well to stick to a low effort, but maximum result routine that can benefit you within the busy lifestyle most of us
have to lead. Not all of us have the time to be in the gym for hours, nor have the energy always to run a mile or two. In such cases, power walking can go a long way, but if you want to take your cardio to the next level- considering running! Good luck on your weight loss