The liver plays a very vital role in our body, it is the 2 largest organs of the body. From storing energy to digest food and also removing toxins from the body. The liver knows it all, having a small quantity of fat in the liver is very normal, but too much can be a serious health problem. Fatty liver is an umbrella term for a liver condition.  A very common condition in which too much fat or extra fat is stored in the liver. Also known as hepatic steatosis, which helps in building up triglycerides and other fats in the liver cell. This condition can be asymptotic and curable to people but in case it can cause liver damage, cirrhosis, as well as cancer also. Though it is prevented if proper care is taken or even turns around a fatty liver disease with change in the standard of living. Keep reading this article to understand the symptoms and what treatments you can implement in your regimen.


Fatty liver is a build-up of fat in the liver that tends to damage the organs and leads to serious complications. Fatty liver disease can be asymptomatic as well. But if a person is infected with various diseases pointed out below, it can result in a serious cause

  • The causes of fatty liver can because of the Drinking alcohol in a large quantity
  • Due to Obesity and being overweight.
  • For muslin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
  • Heavy Triglycerides in your blood
  • High blood sugar level
  • Due to rapid weight loss
  • Cause of Pregnancy factor
  • The major drawback of some medications –valproic acid, tamoxifen, methotrexate
  • As well as Hepatitis c OR some major drawbacks.
  • Exposure to certain toxins.
  • Malnutrition can be a major cause of fatty liver.


People with fatty liver are asymptotic, but if the symptoms persist that it can be due to cirrhosis

(Liver scarring is known as liver fibroids, which can further lead to cirrhosis) which can lead to fatty liver symptoms such as.

  • Abdominal pains and swelling (edema) of feeling fullness in the upper right side of the belly.
  • ascites
  • A person can go through Fatigue, weakness, nausea and psychological confusion.
  • Increased in bleeding tendency

Some common symptoms can be

  • Fatigue
  • Heavy nose bleed
  • People can feel itchy skins all over the body
  • The blood vessels in the skin may have web-like clusters.
  • Enlargement of breasts in men
  • A yellow-tinted eyes and skin, which is also known as jaundice in medical terms.


Fatty liver is diagnosed in 3 levels,

  • Fatty liver grade 1 mild steatosis, the liver had higher echogenicity than the right renal cortex, but the echogenicity wall of the main portal vein was preserved


  • Fatty liver grade 2 moderate steatosis, required diagnosis to avoid the interference to prevent deterioration


  • Fatty liver grade 3 very severe steatosis, urgently needs a diagnosis in time of appearance of symptoms.

It can also be diagnosed according to the condition of the liver

  • Simple fatty liver – In this condition, a person may have fat in the liver but not may have any inflammation or severe liver damage. Most people with NAFLD have a simple fatty liver.


  • Steatohepatitis – Inflammation in the liver due to disproportionate storage of fats.


  • Fibroids – Scarring causes tenderness in the liver.


  • Cirrhosis – Fibrosis of the liver caused by long term damage in the liver.


There are mainly two types of fatty liver disease

  • Alcoholic fatty liver disease (ALFD) –

We all know heavy consumption of alcohol leads to liver failure and liver damage. When the liver gets damaged, the liver cannot split down the fat easily, which is also the first stage or earliest stage of alcohol-related syndrome in the liver. This is why alcohol causes fat to build up in the liver which is known as ALFD. This kind of fatty liver may not be dreadful until and unless it has any inflammation or has other complications in the liver. ASH(ALCOHOL STEATOHEPATITIS ) is a type of AFLD.

  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD )

People always suspect and correlate liver problems with alcohol. But this is not always the case.  When you are disguised with heavy fat in the liver, not because of any alcohol consumption, the condition is known as NAFLD and doctors may prescribe medication accordingly. NASH (NON-ALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS) is a kind of NAFLD.

The rest 3 kinds of fatty liver are

  • ASH( alcoholic steatohepatitis )

It happens when a build-up of excess fat in the liver is accompanied by excess fat. If you have ASH and you drink too much and have inflammation in the liver, the doctor may diagnose it as ASH. If it is not treated properly it can cause liver damage or scarring in liver or liver cirrhosis. This should be treated properly and as soon as you are diagnosed.


The exact cause of AFLP is still unknown. This might be a very unusual disorder but a very severe condition at times of pregnancy. If AFLP is diagnosed, the doctor may deliver the baby as soon as possible because it leads to a very serious problem for the mother as well as the baby or risks the baby or mothers health. It is also important to note that this is diagnosed at 3 stages of the trimester. After the delivery, the patient might be on observation for five weeks or days and later can be discharged. The good thing is once the baby gets delivered the patient is likely to return to normal within a few weeks of giving birth.

  • NASH(non-alcoholic steatohepatitis )

These are some rare causes of fatty liver and mainly subdivision of ALFD AND  NAFLD.



Currently, there is no medication treatment for the fatty liver diagnosis. but the situation can be handled with a few homes and natural remedies for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The people who are suffering from NASH cirrhosis, transplantation can be an option.  After various research, there is no fatty liver treatment, whether it is NAFLD OR AFLD.

NAFLD treatment is mainly done by weight loss segments or co-morbidity management.

  • Lifestyle change
  • A healthy change in diet
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • If you are diagnosed with some critical condition, the doctor may advise you
  • Transplant or surgery
  • Medication


Though there is no particular treatment for fatty liver. but you should always be particular about how to take the best care for your liver, from eating nutritive supplements to lifestyle change everything should be according to your diagnosis.

  • Increase the intake of caffeine – Consumption of caffeine can help in curing NAFLD and is very much effective for overall liver damage.  Drink a maximum of 3 cups of coffee to reduce the chance of critical liver damage.


  • Avoid dietary sugar – Try to avoid sucrose and fructose, as researchers have found evidence like fat built up which leads to an increase of NAFLD. To avoid certain packaged food read out the nutrients facts list and  Avoid foods like

Pastries and cakes

Ice creams and candies

Soft drinks and sport or energy  drinks

Honey and corn

Sugar cane and high fructose corn syrup.


  • Increase vitamin E supplement- Fatty liver occurs when the liver gets inflamed. An increase in vitamin E in the diet can reduce inflammation. consult a doctor before consuming vitamin e.


  • Herbs supplements – Herbs like turmeric, milk thistle, resveratrol, green tea have some very positive effects on NAFLD. Though they may persist few side effects, as they are not verified herbs.


  • Be active – It is very important to change your lifestyle in times of fatty liver. Doctors mostly recommended activeness to the patient. You should inculcate a few sports and running in your daily schedule. Try a physical activity or exercise, play with your kids, take a long moonlight walk, use a staircase rather than the elevator, take a walk to your gym, start gymming and come back, play your favourite sports. These practices can make you quite fit and healthy.


  • Try Mediterranean diet – This diet has much nutritional value-added. It helps to reduce the wanted fat in the liver without reducing weight. The diet is an ample source of protein and greeny vegetables and legume saturated and trans fat. For eg :

Try beans, chickpeas, pulses, lentils.

Have ample apples, oranges, bananas, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, melon, and figs.

Unprocessed grains and cereals.brown bread, wheat pasta, brown rice.

Fish, eggs, chicken, and turkey are very effective at the time of grade 2.

Have a high concentration of healthy fats .Avocado and olives will be best.


  • Very necessary for losing weight – A doctor might recommend that you lose weight. To cure NAFLD weight loss is a very important and crucial part of maintaining the symptoms’. Losing weight between 7 and 10% helps reduce the symptoms of NAFLD. And losing weight between 3 and 5 % helps in reducing fat built up in the liver. Try to consult a paediatrician or dietician before peeking into the decision of losing weight.


  • Protect your liver- Don’t drink alcohol. The best way to protect your liver is to avoid alcohol consumption. Do not give much stress to your liver, self medication should be strictly prohibited .Please consult a doctor before using any herbal remedies.


  • Oats – Contain beta-glucan, a special type of fibre, which is beneficial for liver functions. Oats lower the bad LDL cholesterol by 7% and cholesterol by 6%.


  • Virgin olive oils – Virgin olives help to reduce the inflammation caused by liver disease. This is a meddaterian diet style, and research has proven that consuming 50ml of olive oil per day reduces inflammation.


  • Fruits and green leafy vegetables – Plant-based foods and fruits are certainly very much healthy for food. It helps in improvising the liver condition as well as combating the fatty liver disease


  • Avocado – Is used for liver problems because of the potent chemical which reduces the symptoms of fatty liver and any liver problem.

A rough diet plan for fatty liver -:


  1. Have yoghurt pots and bananas for breakfast.
  2.  Salad beans spinach in lunch


  1. Watermelon, salad, tomatoes ( you can change the fruit  according to your necessity) for breakfast
  2. Veggie wraps in dinner


  1. Have oats  and Burberry in the morning
  2. Orange, carrot and avocado salad in lunch


  1. Yoghurt and banana for breakfast
  2. Mixed  salad in lunch


  1. Blueberry oats bowl  for breakfast
  2. Fried vegetables in lunch


  1.  oats and apple  in the morning
  2. Panzanella salad in the lunch


  1. Banana yoghurt and breakfast
  2. Chickpea soup for lunch.



The doctor will examine and conduct a physical test.

  • Physical exams – Physical exams can be conducted by the doctor to examine the liver disorder, a doctor may press the abdomen or belly so that they could feel the enlargement of the liver if you have. This is just a primary step, a doctor cannot diagnose the whole treatment by touch. In case the liver is inflamed, the doctor cannot rectify it by touching it. Liver enlarged and liver inflamed are two different things.


  • Medical history patient- At the time of your diagnosis, the doctor may ask various types of questions regarding the disease, like your family medical history, any hereditary liver disease.

The symptoms you are going through these days.

Any medical history of yours.

The medication you are going through.

Do you consume alcohol or are you addicted to it or?

Check out the symptoms of fatty liver and if you are facing the same issue, let your doctor know.


  • Blood test – A more significant level of liver enzymes( elevated liver enzymes) that turn upon blood tests for various other conditions might raise a warning.  Elevated liver enzymes are a sign of your liver injury. The doctor may prescribe some blood test such as

AST  aspirate aminotransferase test

ALT  alanine  aminotransferase test

Hemoglobin A1C

Lipid profile to determine the cholesterol, triglycerides and blood fats.

Fasting blood test

Liver enzymes and liver function test.

Est for hepatitis (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C)


  • Elevated liver enzymes are the symptoms of inflammation in the liver. If your test results come positive for the blood test doctor might prescribe you some more tests to persist the diagnosis.


  • Liver biopsy – the best and accurate way to determine or diagnose liver disease. The diagnosis can determine both liver disease and liver scarring. The liver biopsy can be uncomfortable, after the test the doctor will examine and review you in detail.

During this process, the general practitioner will insert a thin needle into the liver and confiscate some pieces of tissues for examination. The diagnosis will be taken away in the form of local anaesthesia to diminish the pain.

  • Imaging studies

Ultrasound or computed tomography (CT Scan) for a picture of the liver.

MRI (MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING) Though the test conducted for the diagnosis may fade away the evidence differentiates NASH AND NAFLD. The sound waves are to create a visual map showing the stiffness of body tissue.

  • Transient electrography – This is a more dignified and improved version of ultrasound. The test helps in measuring the stiffness of your liver or scarring and fibrosis.


  • Later in the process, a test is known as vibration–controlled transient elastography (VCTE, FIBROSCAN). The test helps to examine the scarring and stiffness of the liver through the sound wave.


The major risk of liver damage or developing fatty liver can be high amounts of alcohol consumption. Other than that if you have diagnosed with fatty liver your risk factor increases if you have a history of dealing with such diseases

  • Have polycystic ovary syndrome (POS)
  • Have a history of certain infections – hepatitis B is one of them.
  • High cholesterol level
  • High blood sugar level
  • Have metabolic syndrome
  • High triglyceride
  • Have type 2 diabetes
  • Insulin resistance
  • Are obese
  • Are pregnant or just delivered a baby.
  • Consuming medications such as tamoxifen, methotrexate and valproic acid.
  • Have heredity of fatty liver or ANY KIND OF LIVER DISEASE.


This is a common disorder about 20-25 percent of adults and 5 percent of children are affected by this approximately. This can be a little harassing for a normal day to day lifestyle. Though it has no cure, you don’t have to panic. The treatment is based on some very natural and home remedies and diagnosed based on certain tests. Just follow a proper diet plan and if you are facing any kind of symptoms consult a doctor for a better diagnosis. It can be curable if treated in fatty level grade  1 or 2. But if fatty liver turns out to be critical then chances of surgery or transplant increase.  There is no major cure or medicine in medical history right now, we hope that we get it soon and we will be having an effective multi-therapeutic regimen for each disease.