The “lady part” or vagina is as prone to infections as any other part of the body. How absurd
it is that not many people understand the seriousness of a vaginal infection. According to
men, if I may say so, the face is the most sensitive part and having a pimple is like the end of
the world for a woman. I hope not many of you agreed on this!
Well, it is not how it is shown on face wash commercials. An appearance made by the
pimple to be so devastating, where Himalaya pure neem face wash comes to the rescue and
clears off the pimple with one wash! Please get your facts corrected! Anyways, today we’ll
learn about different types of infections and learn about each one of them.


The vagina is a sensitive body part and any minute change can cause it to function
differently and cause discomfort. So, we have to be very careful about it. Infection in vagina
can be very irritating and hard to deal with as it is a constant discomfort. Some of the
vaginal infections are:
1. Bacterial Vaginosis
Within our vagina resides many friendly bacteria that help in the regular functioning of the
vagina and maintaining its health. One such bacteria is lactobacilli. When the normal
amount gets low, it triggers a vaginal infection.
The scientific reasoning to justify the change in bacteria levels is quite unknown. However, it
is assumed that the overgrowth or maximized production of other bacterias causes the
number of lactobacilli to get low and cause the infection.
The most common bacteria associated with BV is Gardnerella, whose overproduction causes
the symptoms of the infection. The best way to detect vaginal infections is by observing the
discharge. During bacterial vaginosis, we may see either a clear yet slippery discharge or a
thick white discharge. Since the discharge is rather normal, it is difficult to detect it
according to the personal observation of the discharge.
2. Trichomoniasis

Trichomonas vaginitis is a sexually transmitted disease. Vaginal infections are highly caused
due to sexual intercourse and it is time we start to take this seriously. Sexually active
women are most likely to get such diseases so we must take the required precautions.
Appropriate protection like a condom is a must along with natural and regular vagina wash.
You do not have to invest highly in vaginal washes, rather washing mildly with soap and
water is more than enough. Just don't keep the soap for too long.
The symptoms here are similar to other vaginal infections like redness, irritation, burning,
3. Yeast Infection
The most common vaginal fungal infection is a yeast infection. Similar to bacterias, fungus
resides in our body as well. The common fungus causing the infection is Candida Albicans
that are present in a small number in our body.
The fungus present in the vagina undergoes maximize production or overgrowth leading to
the infection. The cause for the outgrowth can be quite a few reasons like:
● Hormonal changes occurring due to menstruation and pregnancy create an
imbalance in the vagina causing vaginal infections. The consumption of birth control
pills or contraceptive pills is responsible for many hormonal changes in the body as
well, leading to the overgrowth of the fungus.
● HIV/AIDS makes the immune system very weak. This leads to making the patient
more prone to yeast infections.
● Chronic diabetes or high blood sugar increases the risk of yeast infection.
Common yeast vaginal infection symptoms are itchiness and redness in the vagina along
with thick and white discharge.
4. Gonorrhea
It is another sexually transmitted disease and it is highly contagious as well. The symptoms
of this infection are rather painful and may spread rapidly if left untreated along with
continued engagement in coitus.
Women feel pain during urination and vaginal intercourse along with vaginal discharge and

5. Non-Infectious Vaginitis
The cause of this vaginal infection is not typically a bacteria or virus or fungus. The infection
occurs due to irritant surroundings around the skin of the vagina for example – a scented
tampon, perfumed soaps, vaginal fragrance, or a fabric softener. The smell and the
chemicals present irritate the normal surrounding of the vagina causing the skin to itch and
It is also seen in women undergoing menopause due to a thin and dried vagina with a lack of
The vagina is a very sensitive part and a proper vaginal infection treatment must be
undertaken to be relieved of the pain as soon as possible. Vaginal infections are a part of
life and we can certainly not run away from them forever. So, take as many precautions as
possible and in case of the infection, treat it as naturally as possible. Exposing the vagina to
heavy chemicals is not a good idea and may aggravate the situation as well.
Generally, the vaginal discharge is a good indicator of the problems occurring within but it is
hard to differentiate between a normal discharge and an infected discharge. So, it is always
better to have a chat with the doctor, tell them about the problems honestly, and seek
medical help.