The very unexpected and strange discharge sometimes during pregnancy may disturb you. The
reason can be some vaginal infection that causes yellow discharge from the vagina. They can
also be some indication from the early pregnancy discharge. To know that, you have to be sure
about what a healthy pregnancy vaginal discharge looks like-the colour should be white or thin
and clear, the smell should be very light and mild. The traits of a healthy discharge will make
you fix the problem on your own. This article will guide you throughout the journey of dealing
with yellow discharge.
During the time of pregnancy, women should always be more cautious about their discharge. If
any kind of abnormality is shown in the discharge from your vagina. Kindly consult your
recommended gynaecologist. Mostly yellow discharge during pregnancy occurs
If you are very close to your due date it can be a sign of your water broken. Due to which the
characteristics of the discharge will be in a pale yellow or yellow discharge with no dour and a
thin and watery comes out at a great speed. Mostly like urine. That should be a case of you
meeting your baby very soon.
Might be because of yeast infection, vaginosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia or
bacterial vaginosis. In these infections, the symptoms might be yellow thick discharge from the
vagina and have a fishy and bad odour with itching and burning and inflammation. Consult a
doctor if your symptoms are lasting for more than a day or two. These types of vaginal
infections are curable and common in pregnancy and can be easily cured with ointments and
● Trichomoniasis
At the time of pregnancy chances of these complications arose trichomoniasis -:
The infection can result in the baby have low weight baby
To have an easy delivery of the baby (preterm)
These infection symptoms are yellow
discharge from vagina, redness and discomfort during urination
● Bacterial vaginosis BV
the women and children have a greater risk at times of BV
Having labour pain (preterm-a birth of baby occurs before 37th week)
Underweight childbirth, below 5,5 pounds
Premature delivery baby
Bv is mostly diagnosed in the second last trimester. Premature delivery baby
The symptoms can be bad odour and itchiness, heavy burning sensation at the time of
urination, yellow vaginal discharge, painful bowel movement.
● Gonorrhoea
At the time of pregnancy chances of this complication arose mainly in 2 trimesters, such
Can do a miscarriage at the time of pregnancy
Low birth weight
At Times can be a miscarriage
Immature .premature delivery
The symptoms can be seen as discomfort while urinating, yellow discharge from vagina,
heavy discharge,
● Chlamydia
It is a sexually transmitted infection which has symptoms such as urine discomfort,
discomfort during the time of sex, a very strong odour and light yellow discharge may
become out in different colour (very low chances)
At the time of pregnancy chances of these complications arose if you have chlamydia
Low birth weight
Labour before date
Premature rupture of membrane
Can infect the baby when the baby passes by the birth canal.
● Yeast infection
The symptoms of yeast infection are thick discharge cotton-like cheese, yellow colour
and odourless. Painful at times of urination and the vagina turns red and inflamed. Yeast
infections are commonly found at 2 and 3 trimesters during pregnancy. Do not self
medicate while having a baby, consult a doctor.
The symptoms can affect the baby such as
Preterm labour
Congenital cutaneous candidiasis
If these conditions are not treated as soon as possible it may result in the baby as well as the
mother at the time of pregnancy. The infection can be easily treated at any trimester you are in.
Or some extraordinary pregnancy complication you are facing. If you are far from your delivery
date there is a possibility of your leaking amniotic fluid prematurely. These are pretty common
symptoms pregnant women face. Should consult a doctor immediately.
Sometimes it might be a little scary for a pregnant woman to deal with these infections and not
be aware of such cases. For a new mom to be genuinely scared to know how to keep herself
and the baby more delicately. but still, some new moms face such problems where they
practice some oral medication or ointment on their own. It is said to treat the infection as soon
as possible. Which will help the baby to deliver a safe and healthy one. Sometimes it might be
unknowingly water broken, at that point just visit your nearest maternity centre. This article
coved about how to address your problem and how to avoid them as well.During the time of
pregnancy whatever these infections and yellow discharge are very common and also curable
easily if you take good care and maintain proper hygiene and do everything as prescribed.
Other than that if you are not sure about your symptoms and finding it a problematic issue, it's
better to avoid home remedies.