About 30% of the Indian population suffers from the problem of thyroid, which means every
third person has thyroid. Do you know the thyroid not only affects the metabolism and
growth of a person but also hampers brain growth? A person's mental and physical health is
affected. Yes, of course, it can be treated with the help of medication. But in addition to
medications, do yoga! Make it a habit to do yoga every morning. This will not only improve
the thyroid gland but also have a positive impact on your body. Yoga for thyroid problems is
one of the best remedies to treat it. You must be thinking how? Read on to know how and
which yoga asanas are beneficial for the thyroid.
The question running in your mind after reading the title must be “How to cure thyroid by
yoga?” Well, Yoga has numerous advantages for your well-being and mental and physical
health. It can help you feel more energetic, more flexible, and
less stressed. And there is a link between stress and thyroid, some yoga poses are known to
help thyroids that are either underactive or overactive regulate themselves. There have
been studies and researches conducted on this and it was confirmed by those studies
that thyroid yoga is very beneficial. A study which was conducted in the year 2016
concluded that 6 months of regular yoga reduces the thyroxine level in females.
Don't think that yoga asanas will help in curing the thyroid. No, it is only an additional
treatment that can help in controlling or reducing the thyroid. Don’t solely rely on yoga!
Now, let's know what yoga asanas for the thyroid and how these asanas are beneficial in
the treatment of the Thyroid. These asanas enhance circulation, stretch and strengthen the
neck, which is where the thyroid is located. Try to do each yoga pose for about 10 seconds
in a set of 5. It is not mandatory to follow this time limit, till the time you feel comfortable
you should hold the pose. Also, these asanas are beneficial if done in the right manner.
1. Sarvangasana
Also, known as the supported shoulder stand pose. All you need to do is lie down on
your back on a yoga mat, keep your arms beside your body and slowly start lifting
your leg till it comes to a 90-degree position to the floor, then raise your pelvis and
back off the floor slowly. For more support, lift your forearms off the floor and rest
your palms on your back. This asana puts a lot of strain on the thyroid gland. The
thyroid gland has the most blood supply, and this asana aids in the circulation of
blood and squeezes the stagnant secretions. It helps nourish the thyroid and reverse
hypothyroidism by releasing blood into the neck.
2. Inverted Pose
In this pose, legs are placed on the wall. This pose is also known as Viparita Karani or
Leg up the wall pose. This pose increases the problem of hypothyroidism. How? It
controls thyroid function by increasing blood flow to the thyroid gland.
3. Camel pose
Also known as Ustrasana. This pose makes the neck stretch and thereby improves
blood circulation in the thyroid gland. This yoga pose for thyroid relief can also, help
with spine difficulties.
4. Plough Pose
Asana Halasana is another name for this asana. In this pose, the neck is stretched
and the thyroid glands are stimulated. People with hyperthyroidism, on the other
hand, should avoid this stance since it promotes thyroid hormone secretion.
5. Fish Pose
Also known as Matsyasana. It causes your back to arch, increasing blood flow to the
thyroid gland. The neck and throat are stretched, and the thyroid gland is stimulated
in this pose. It helps to reduce a lot of stress in the area. Make sure you invert your
head so that this asana is done correctly. This improves blood flow to the thyroid
gland, which is beneficial to hypothyroid patients.
6. Cobra Pose
Remember when you do Surya namaskar this asana is included in it? The neck and
throat are stretched in this asana, which helps in improving thyroid function. It is
best for persons who have hypothyroidism.
Yoga asanas help in stretching, twisting, and squeezing the body which lets the body
stimulate the thyroid gland and alerts the body to release thyroxine, which aids in the
development of a healthy metabolism. Moreover, pregnant women should also avoid these.
It will be better if you consult your doctor or yoga specialist before practicing these asanas.
Thus, it can be said that Yoga for thyroid words wonders if they are done in a proper
manner and on a regular basis.