Thyroid cancer is three times more common in women than men. It appears in the cell of
thyroids. It is located in a butterfly-like shaped organ, in the neck below Adam's apple. In the
first few phases, thyroid cancer can be asymptotic but as it tends to enlarge it can cause severe
problems. Though in this cancer the rate of improvement is good. In these types of thyroid
cancer, some grew vigorously and some very slowly. This article will direct you to know about
thyroid cancer, its symptoms and treatment in a simple way. Which can help you at the time of
your diagnosis and will alert you through the tests and diagnosis which are held at the time of
treatment. Thyroid cancer is curable but can impact normal happy life. Scroll down to know
Thyroid cancer may not have any signs and symptoms at the first few stages but can create few
thyroid cancer symptoms as it starts growing. It is better to go to a doctor if you are suffering
from any kind of symptoms that are making you worried.
A few of them are
● Husky voice or unexpected change in the voice.
● Pain and soreness on my throat and neck.
● Swollen lymph nodes in the neck. difficulty while eating and swallowing.
● Nodules or lumps can be visible from the skin on the neck.
● Breathing problems.
● A sore throat
Later thyroid cancer can cause affect the secretion of thyroid hormone and flushing and
diarrhoea can be a reason
There are several types of cancer. The classifications of thyroid Cancer is based fully upon cells
Found in the tumour. To find out the tissue of cancer a small tissue is collected to examine
under a microscope. Later it is helpful to acknowledge which type of thyroid cancer it is.

● Follicular thyroid cancer – Follicular cancers are cancer that especially comes from the
follicular cell of the thyroid. This is the second most common type of thyroid. It affects
mostly people over 50 years, over 10% of people and is less common in children.
Research says another type of follicular cell which is also known as the Hürthle cell is
powerful and vigorous.
● Papillary thyroid cancer – This type of cancer is a very common form of thyroid found in
people, papillary thyroid cancer, is cancer that arises from the follicular cell of the
thyroid and can affect people of all ages (mostly 30-60 years). The doctor often refers to
follicular thyroid and papillary thyroid simultaneously as differentiated thyroid cancer.
Follicular cancer, affecting 85% of thyroid cancer patients and mostly are asymptotic.
● Medullary thyroid cancer – This form of thyroid cancer arises from thyroid cells which
are called C cells. The C cell in the body produces the hormone calcitonin, which
elevates the calcitonin level in the blood, which turns out to be easy to diagnose
medullary thyroid cancer at a very early stage. Sometimes genetic inheritance can be a
reason to increase the risk of medullary cancer, though this is a rare one. These cancers
are tender to touch and can be very painful.
● Anaplastic thyroid cancer – This is a very rare type of thyroid cancer only 1% of cases are
found with a very low recovery rate. Anaplastic thyroid cancer rises from the follicular
cell of the thyroid which stores and produces thyroid hormone. As this is too difficult to
prognosis and grow rapidly. Anaplastic thyroid cancer mostly occurs in adult people of
60 and above.
● Other rare types – The other rare types of thyroid cancer mostly begin from the thyroid
which also includes thyroid lymphoma and thyroid sarcoma. The two thyroids, in which
thyroid lymphoma usually initiates with the immune system and thyroid sarcoma begins
with connective tissue cells of the thyroid.
There is no particular cause of thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer happens when the cells go
through miscellaneous genetic changes which are called mutations. Later mutation allows the
cells to multiply and grow very rapidly. The cell tends to lose its control and die. These
abnormal thyroid cells turn out to be tumours. The abnormal cell later captures all other tissue
in their body and can spread all over the body.

The thyroid cancer treatment is based upon the types of thyroid cancer.
● Follicular cell cancer
If the biopsy turns out to be a failure and the particular result is unclear. The treatment might
further be called out a follicular neoplasm. If the follicular neoplasm turns out to be cancer,
surgery can be the only option. Surgery is often done to remove half part of the thyroid gland
just to remove the tumour or cancer. The doctor might clarify whether the half removal is
justified or the patient has to remove the whole one. For most patients, removal of the whole
thyroid gland isn’t necessary.
● Papillary cancer
After the surgery of the tumour, people are treated in 2 stages
Radioactive iodine treatment – RAI is used after thyroidectomy in early stages T1 OR T2 and has
a very good recovery rate. RAI is also given in advanced cases like T3 and T4 thyroid cancer that
have spread all over the lymph nodes and distant areas. If the area spread does not respond to
RAI, the chances of treating with
1. Target therapy
2. Radiation therapy.
3. Chemotherapy
4. External beams are provided.
● Medullary thyroid cancer
MTI is subdivided into two kinds of disorders – Pheochromocytoma and parathyroid tumours.
In Pheochromocytoma tumour screening is important because any kind of surgery and
anaesthesia can be dangerous to the patient when the tumour is there. If the doctor rectified
the thyroid they might provide medication and injection before the surgery to make the surgery
The surgery
Stage 3 and 4 the surgery is same 1 and 2, the treatment is given can be

1. External beam radiation therapy is given to reduce the chance of repetition in
the neck.
2. Targeted drugs such as vandetanib or cabozantinib may be prescribed.

3. Chemotherapy is provided because they are very hard to deal with.
4. Clinical trials
● Anaplastic cancer
Surgery is the only option for this type of thyroid cancer. Here is some therapy which is given at
the time of anaplastic cancer
1. External beam radiation
2. Chemotherapy (if needed)
If cancer has fully spread chemotherapy is the only option. If the cells have converted into
various genes, drug therapy can be an option. The drugs can be
1. Selpercatinib ( retevmo)
2. Dabrafenib ( tafinlar)
3. Laroterctinb (vitrakvi)
Thyroid cancer is very common to treat. It is also divided into 4 to 5 sub-parts and treating
them might turn easy at the first few stages. The types of thyroid cancer papillary and follicular
are more curable. If the treatment turns out to be critical surgeries and chemo can be needed.
The surgeries or treatment or further procedures should only be done by a proper surgeon,
radiation oncologist, medical oncologist or endocrinologist with all your medical history. The
thyroid sometimes can be caused due to the sole reason of genetics, but most of the time it is
unknown. The article is a summary of thyroid cancer and its symptoms and treatment.