Thyroid nodules are fluid lumps and solids which are located in a butterfly-like shaped organ,
your thyroid gland is just located above the breastbone. Thyroid nodules are not serious many
times, most of them are curable and asymptomatic but a small percentage of thyroid nodules
are cancerous. They are classified into hot, warm or cold, depending upon whether they
produce or not. Thyroid nodules cannot be seen or touched, until and unless you go through
your regular checkups or MRI AND CT SCAN. Sometimes nodules can’t turn out to be larger
which can be a bit difficult in breathing or while swelling.
Most thyroid nodules don’t have any symptoms, they are asymptotic. On the other hand, some
of the nodules might be larger, and they can have symptoms, can be touched and seen, here
are some thyroid nodules symptoms.-:
● Enlargement of the thyroid gland (goitre)
● Difficulty in breathing
● Trouble while swelling
● Pain in neck
● Hoarse voice
● Depression
● High cholesterol level
Thyroid nodules produce supplementary thyroxine: A thyroid secreted in your thyroid gland. If
the thyroid nodules fabricate excessive thyroid hormones, they can build up additional
symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as -:
● Nervousness
● Trouble while sleeping
● An irregular and fast heartbeat.
● Muscles weakness
● Weight loss
● Memory loss
● Muscles stiffness

Another one can be hypothyroidism which is developed by thyroid nodules. Very few cases of
autoimmune thyroid are a condition that increases the possibility of developing an underactive
thyroid. The symptoms can be-:
● Brittle nails
● Sensitivity to cold
● Constipation
● Dry or flaky skin and hairs
● Persistent fatigue
● Tremendous weight gain
Multiple thyroid nodules cause development in the thyroid gland. Here are some.
● Multinodular goitre – Though this is not so prominent cause for nodules of the thyroid.
The term goitre is used when there is any kind of enlargement in the thyroid gland. This
may be due to thyroid problems or iodine deficiency. Now, multinodular goitre includes
many small nodules in the goitre which can be a cause of thyroid nodules, although not
a significant one.
● Overgrowth in thyroid tissue – Thyroid tissue tends to overgrowth sometimes which is
also referred to as adenomas. At present there is no scientific evidence or specific
research has been done to know why it happens, it is not harmful to your health nor
cancerous. It can be diagnosed seriously when there are particular symptoms taking
place. Some of the adenomas can lead to hyperthyroidism.
● Inflammation of the thyroid – This is correlated to hyperthyroidism. Hashimoto's disease
is a thyroid disorder that causes inflammation in thyroid nodules.
● Thyroid cancer – The causes of nodules of thyroid by thyroid cancer is a very small
percentage. Though the symptoms of larger nodules can be painful and can cause
distress to your body. Thyroid cancer can be caused due to one of the reasons like
family history with any problem regarding thyroid and endocrine cancers and any record
of radiation exposure from medical therapy.
● Iodine deficiency – Iodine deficiency causes thyroid is a much familiar cause to all of us.
Lack of salt or iodine in the diet can cause iodine deficiency.

● Thyroid cyst – Cysts in the thyroid are the very common outcome of degenerate thyroid
adenomas. They are noncancerous but can hold cancerous solid components.
In the process of diagnosis, doctors prefer physical exams as well as some scans. Though they
can feel the lumps but can't rectify them prominently.
Three tests can be done at times of diagnoses the thyroid nodules
● Blood test – To know how thyroid nodules hormones are being secreted. Though they
are not severe and harmless and chances of producing excessive hormones by thyroid
nodules are very few. The hormones which produced more thyroid hormones are
mostly removed to cure excessive hormone production.
● Ultrasound – This helps to understand and figure out the position of the lumps and
important information which is mandatory for a practitioner for further diagnosis.
Ultrasound is mostly done because thyroid cancer tends to spread very vigorously all
over the neck lymph nodes, ultrasound helps to identify the depth of cancer. Though
ultrasound can sometimes decrease the evidence of which is necessary for determining
the problem. But as well as a crucial way of diagnosis.
● Fine needle aspiration biopsy – FNAB is an accurate and very reliable way of
determining thyroid nodules. Sometimes it might have few complications and
indeterminate diagnosis.
● Thyroid scan – A thyroid profile test is carried out so that doctors can diagnose which
part of the thyroid gland is overactive ( hyperthyroidism) and which part is underactive
Thyroid nodules treatment is subdivided into 3 parts.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism nodules. When a thyroid hormone is producing overactive
hormones from the thyroid gland, the doctor treatment will follow.
● Radioactive iodine – The radioactive iodine is taken as liquid or capsules as it shrinks the
nodules in two-three months. These are only used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

● Antithyroid medication – A doctor may suggest some medication if the case is turning
out a bit more severe than before. This is a long time treatment, with many risks and
benefits consult a doctor before stepping into it. Medication such as tapazole
(methimazole) is needed.
● Surgery- This is the last option when the treatment with radioactive iodine and anti-
thyroid medication isn’t working or not an option. Surgery is done to remove the
overactive thyroid nodules ( hyperthyroidism).
Treatment of cancerous nodules in thyroid
● Observation- observation of the cancerous nodules is done by monitoring, ultrasound
and blood test. Though the chance is very low of growing cancer so it is easy for the
doctor to watch them and diagnose them accordingly.
● Surgery – This is a common way to remove cancerous nodules by surgical removal.
These days the thyroid is not removed fully it is only removed by half of the part.
Surgery might be a little damage to nerves and control the vocal cord and harm the
parathyroid gland. After the surgery, you might be completely on bed rest for some time
and will need lifelong treatment with levothyroxine to supply thyroid hormone all over
the body.
● Alcohol ablation – This is another way of removing small cancerous nodules. It inserts a
small amount of alcohol in the cancerous thyroid, just to destroy it thoroughly. The
technique needs multiple sessions.
Thyroid nodules are very common in women and men and tend to grow in your thyroid glands,
thyroid glands are more kind of butterfly-shaped glands that secrete hormones. If a proper
diagnosis is done this won't be harmful to normal health. Around 90% of thyroid nodules are
benign (noncancerous) and mostly the nodules are asymptomatic and can get diagnosed at
times of few body checkups and blood tests. Take a proper consultation at the time of being
diagnosed. The disease can last for a year or for lifelong, though the smaller ones are filled with
fluid and tend to go away with treatment. At the time of visiting a doctor, prepare a list of
questions, ask whether surgery is required and what are the after-effects of the surgeries. The

article provides you with all the details you might need at times of diagnosis. Wishing you a
speedy recovery.