Polycystic Ovarian Disease or commonly known as PCOD is a very common problem which is seen in one out of every five women. Those who are suffering with this disease have to undergo a lot of trouble because the effects and the symptoms of this disease are quite unpleasant. The disease’s symptoms include weight gain in the abdominal region, hair loss and irregularity in periods. The long term effect of this disease is that a woman suffering from it can lose her ability to reproduce, that is, she would become infertile. However, there are ways by which this can be treated and the most common way is to reduce the symptoms. To reduce the symptoms such as weight gain, one should try exercising or yoga. Yoga is an Indian way of exercising wherein different kind of diseases can be cured. Let us take a look at four Yoga Asana which will provide immense benefits against PCOD.
Titli Asana
This asana is one of the most easiest asana which has proven to be beneficial against PCOD. With a very little amount of physical input required, you will be able to some much needed relief from the problems PCOD has been causing you. If you or someone you know is looking for yoga for PCOD problems, then Titli Asana is highly recommended for them.
How to perform the asana:
- Sit down in the position of dand asana.
- Then bring together the soles of both your feet and join them in such a way that they coincide with each other.
- Get your heels near your pelvis as much as you can.
- Then move your legs up and down just like a bird does with its wings.
- Be careful of how you breath when you perform the asana. Breath in when you push your knees down and breath out when you move them up.
Baddha Konasana
This asana focuses on the involvement of both the upper and lower half of your body. It is a complete workout yoga for PCOD patients as it requires you to put effort from the entire body. Without further ado, let’s see how you can perform the asana:
- Sit in the position of Dand Asana.
- Stretch your legs as much as you can and pull your heels close to your pelvis. Just like you did in Titli Asana.
- Get your knees down gently.
- Move your upper body forward as you breath out and touch the ground with your forehead.
- You can breath in when you get back to your normal position.
for PCOD problems. The asana makes use of your entire body as it involves every part of it. Let’s see how you can do it and how it involves the whole body:
- Lie down on your back and relax for a while.
- Inhale a long breath and lift up your upper body and hold it at an angle of about 45°.
- Lift up your lower body and hold it at an angle of 45° as well. Make sure that your eyes are in a straight line with the toes of your legs.
- Hold your breath while you reach out to your knees with both your hands sideways, putting strain on your abdominal region.
- During this time, all your weight is concentrated on your hips.
- Release your breath as you return to the normal position of lying on your back.
This asana is truly a gem from the Yoga and can help with a lot of other diseases and not just PCOD.
Prasarita Padottanasana : Effective Yoga for PCOD
Quite a mouthful for the name of a simple yoga asana, right? Well, there is no need to be scared of this asana as it is one of the most simple and effective yoga for PCOD. Let’s see how you can perform this asana:
- You would need to spread your knees apart while keeping them straight with toes pointing inwards.
- Then hold your toes by your fingers by stretching your arms.
- There should be three sets of thirty seconds each.
The effects of yoga for PCOD are usually great as it calms the mind and body. It rejuvenates our body by enabling it to resist major problems that a disease like PCOD can cause.
These were four major yoga asana which have been found to provide great relief against PCOD and if you are one of those who are suffering from this disease, you must try these. The asana written above do not require a lot of physical labor and neither do they require any extra efforts. You can try these from the comfort of your homes. If any of these asana prove to be helpful, then you must let others know who are going through the same problem. We will continue to bring forth proven remedies to treat you against different kinds of diseases.