Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes in the body. While bearing a child, the body prepares itself to grow a child inside it. While these changes occur, many physical changes are also experienced by women. One of these changes is weight gain. A healthy and steady weight gain is a sign of healthy pregnancy. It shows that the baby is growing inside the belly. But many women face weight gain after delivery. It becomes difficult to do weight loss after delivery because the body is yet to recover from the pregnancy and delivery. The body gains weight during pregnancy because of the child’s weight and weight of the fluids named placenta and amniotic. This weight is naturally shaded after the first week of delivery. But The weight that is increased due to fat restoration doesn’t go on its own and needs attention. In this article, the key factors regarding postpartum weight loss are covered that will answer the most asked question of new mothers, “how to weight loss after pregnancy?”
Other than the fat percentage increase in the body, post-birth weight gain can have other reasons as well. It basically is a way of the body indicating something irregular happening with it. The main reasons are other than increased fat of weight gain are-
● Thyroid- Many women face low levels of the thyroid during and after pregnancy.
● Insufficient Sleep- New moms often deal with insufficient sleep. Sleep is very crucial for
a healthy body and not getting enough sleep affects the body badly. This is another
reason for facing problems in postnatal weight loss.
● Stress- It is very normal if a woman goes through stress during or after pregnancy.
Especially those women who become mothers for the first time, deal with stress. The changes seem significant and they are always concerned about being a better mom. The
stress can then lead to continuous weight gain until handled well.
Weight loss should take place in a healthy manner because unhealthy ways can put the mother and child at risk. The weight loss after pregnancy should be a thoughtful journey with all the precautions. The best way is to avoid weight gain. While many factors associated with weight gain are related to body changes and can’t be done much about, Keeping an eye on mental health can help. Stressing too much about a child’s health or future will not only give you an unhealthy body but can also affect a child’s health. Stressing too much is not a solution to any problem. Keep a track of your sleep cycle and try to get at least eight hours of sleep a day. It is very difficult, especially for breastfeeding mothers, to ask for help from our loved ones and try to get sleep when the baby is a sleep.
Losing weight after pregnancy is important since an unhealthy body is difficult to maintain and
can also affect a child’s health. The weight loss journey should be healthy and here are the ways
to achieve a healthy body after childbirth-
1. Lifestyle changes are very mandatory to lose weight due to any reason. Unhealthy
eating habits, not being physically active. Getting enough sleep, sufficient water, and
working towards a better mental condition are also crucial.
2. Portion sizes also matter for maintaining a healthy weight. Having a smaller portion
multiple times help the body to absorb all the nutrients. It also prevents overeating or
craving unhealthy snacks.
3. Include simple exercises Before and after delivery. Yoga and home exercises also work
great for a healthy weight loss. Keep in mind to do exercises only after asking an expert
(especially during pregnancy).
4. Avoid all sorts of junk food and add more natural food to the diet. It will not only help
you in weight loss after pregnancy but also keep the necessary nutrients for your
breastfeeding child.
5. Cut down soda intake. Natural fruit juices that are homemade are best to satisfy
beverage cravings. Drink an appropriate amount of water.
6. Substitute unhealthy fat from plant-based fat.
7. Stick to the scheduled workout and diet plan. Avoid eating out of cravings. Keep
everything natural.
Motherhood is a beautiful journey. It comes with many ups and downs but only leaves happy memories behind. Being a mother is beautiful no matter what size you are. So, do not stress about body appearance as long as it’s healthy. Focus on being healthy instead of looking good. A healthy body will gradually come into shape. Weight loss after delivery takes time. The body is going through a lot and putting it further on the stress of weight loss is not good. Hence keep it natural and give your body time to go back to your natural shape.