Kidney stones are one of the major urinary problems in India. 5 out of every 10 persons in
India can be seen dealing with the problems of stones in their kidneys or urinary tract.
Kidney stones are actually the accumulation of sodium and calcium, which, on
crystallisation, take the form of stones. Stones size may vary from less than 1mm to more
than 7mm. Many times, we see a patient using beer for kidney stone.
But is the beer actually an effective remedy for the stone treatment? Here, in this article, we
will take a closer look at this question and know the complete truth. So let's get started.


Before starting any treatment, you need to look for the symptoms of the disease. The more
severe the symptoms, the more serious the condition. We have mentioned below some of
the common symptoms of having kidney stones.
● The most common and relevant symptom is having pain in the lower back. The pain
is so severe that the patient may feel uncomfortable in all three positions- sitting,
standing or lying.
● People who have a stone stuck in their kidneys or urinary tract may feel nausea and
● Another symptom related to kidney stones is acidity and gastric issues.
● Some people with a bigger size stone in their urinary tract may even experience
blood in their urine.
● When the stone is stuck in the ureter, it becomes difficult for urine to pass through
it, thus causing pain during urination.
● Kidney stone patients during the initial stages may observe dark yellow colour urine
due to its high concentration.

There are many types of kidney stones, depending on the cause of their formation. So,
before taking any medication or treatment, you must know the kind of stone you are

1. Calcium Stones- These stones have a high calcium content, either in the form of
calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate. About 70 to 80 percent of kidney stones are
found to be of this type.
2. Uric Acid Stones- These stones are formed due to high uric acid in the kidneys. They
constitute 5 or 10 percent of kidney stones.
3. Struvite Stones- This type of stone is very rare. They are related to kidney infections
caused by specific kinds of bacteria.

Now, let's answer the question: Is beer good for kidney stones? Research has shown that
drinking beer reduces the risk of kidney stones by 40%.
● Drinking a moderate amount of beer each day may help you get rid of your kidney
stones, but it would take quite a long time.
● Beer is good for kidney stones because it is found to be a diuretic, i.e. it helps you to
urinate often, thus helping you to pass the stone.
● It may be beneficial for the removal of a small stone, less than 5mm. Beer won't
have any effect on bigger stones.
● To help with kidney stones, the recommended amount for women is only 1 drink a
day. For men, 2 drinks are allowed in 24 hours, not more than that.
● You must not consume, in any way, more than 12 ounces of beer per day.
● Another condition for consuming beer for kidney stone removal is that you need to
keep your body well-hydrated and drink more and more water.
● Always ask your healthcare provider before taking any remedy for the disease. Take
advice from your doctor on beer consumption and follow what they recommend.
Since you have seen the positive relationship between kidney stones and beer, you must
not forget to read the side effects.
● The first disadvantage is that taking beer in excessive amounts can dehydrate your
body. Thus, causing your kidney to retain more water and forming less urine.
● Due to the above reason, overconsumption of beer can result in the formation of
more stones in the kidney and make it hard to pass the existing ones.
● If you have uric acid stones, drop the idea of drinking beer for kidney stones. This is
because a high amount of uric acid is found in beer.
● Excessive drinking of beer is harmful because it contains purine and uric acid, which
play a significant role in forming stones in your urinary tract.

● Don't forget that high consumption of beer harms the liver resulting in its
About 40% of people in India might have a kidney stone over their lifetime. Most of the
time, we don’t urinate when necessary and control it until the urine becomes pretty
concentrated. Also, we don't drink the required amounts of water. Epidemiology studies
show that beer is actually associated with removing kidney stones. But since you have seen
so many side effects, drinking beer for kidney stone is not the best choice.
If you are drinking beer, take only a moderate amount. Don't depend on the beverage to
help you pass the stones; go to your doctor before it's late. Remember, your healthcare
provider will recommend you do what is best for you according to the type of stone you