Vaginal discharge, also known white discharge common among females. It refers to a sticky,
whistish (as in normal cases) fluid mixed with the cells from the vagina, that is discharged
from the vagina. It is the body’s way of cleaning itself out. Therefore, the underlying cause
of vaginal discharge is not always associated with serious diseases. However, it can also be a
sign of a serious health condition. The best way to figure that out is by observing the color of
the discharge. If it is transparent and whitish, you really don’t have anything to worry about.
A majority of women experience white discharge during pregnancy. Given that pregnancy
itself creates a lot of dilemma, confusion, nervousness, it is hard to figure out which
symptoms are natural and which are not. In such a situation, it is only natural for a person to
worry. Let’s find out whether or not it is normal to have white discharge in pregnancy.
Yes, it definitely is! It is common for pregnant women to experience white discharge during
early pregnancy. Infact, increase in vaginal discharge is considered to be one early sign of
pregnancy in women. The changes in discharge are very prominent and noticeable in the
first trimester of the pregnancy. This does not mean that the vaginal discharge throughout
the pregnancy is abnormal or an indication towards a complication or a disease. It is a
common thing to experience as long as you are pregnant.
Studies have proven that the heaviest of discharge is actu;a;y experienced during the end of
the pregnancy. The sticky vaginal discharge in pregnant women may vary in color.
Sometimes it may be white, other times it may be pale-yellow. The smell may get a little
intense as well.
The body undergoes a variety of changes during pregnancy. The vagina experiences a whole
lot of activities and develops a personality of its own. Hormonal changes occur in the body
of the female as she gets pregnant. Vaginal discharge is mostly attributed to the functioning
of female hormones. The increase in the hormones and their rush causes variation in the
otherwise normal vaginal discharge.
Furthermore, as the pregnancy proceeds, the cervix undergoes a lot of changes. This can
also affect vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, the cervix as well as the vaginal wall softens
so as to ensure the best conditions for the growing foetus. As the baby grows, it might exert
pressure on the cervix which can further increase the amount of white pregnancy discharge.
This is generally more prominent during the end of the pregnancy.
While, vagianl discharge is common during pregnancy, there may be times when you may
notice a difference in it. These changes in its characteristics may be a sign of infection. In a
situation like this, consulting a doctor is not only essential but also the right thing to do.
Given below are the signs that might indicate a complication.
1. Strong smell
2. Thick consistency
3. Very thin consistency
4. Burning
5. Itching
6. Greenish-yellow hue
7. Swelling of vulva
1. What type of vaginal discharge is common during pregnancy?
A normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy is white in color with a milky
resemblance. The texture is thin and smells mild.
2. How to prevent wetting of underpants and lowers due to increase in vaginal
discharge during pregnancy?
The easiest way to prevent this is to use panty liners. It is unnoticeable and very
convenient. Tampons are not the option to go for as they are capable of introducing
new germs into the vagina.
3. What can be the causes of abnormal discharge during pregnancy?
Increase in discharge is normal during the pregnancy. Abrupt changes in the
discharge, like smell, color, iching, etc., can be a sign of certain complications like
yeast infection or even Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).
4. How is vaginal discharge in pregnancy helpful for mothers?
Vaginal discharge is also a way of the female body to clean itself. Gynecologists
believe that production of excess discharge in the body prevents infections.
While the body experiences a massive amount of stress and exertion during pregnancy, the
last thing the person needs is another problem to worry about. When it comes to vaginal
discharge, trust us, things are just fine. It is only natural to experience white discharge
during pregnancy. Hormones are the most powerful factors in the female body during
pregnancy. They are capable of bringing about a lot of changes in the body. This is definitely
one of them.
The point of focus is the need to observe. A soon-to-be mother needs to note even the
changes that seem weird. Most of them might be normal, others might be an indication
towards a complication in the pregnancy, as in the case of vaginal discharge, the changes in
its characteristics is the way to figure out if or not you should be concerned. Do not hesitate
from visiting a doctor when in doubt or facing any issue.