If you are suffering from leucorrhea, you know how troublesome it can be. Not only does it
make you feel exhausted and sore all the time, but it also emits a foul odor which can be so
potent at times!
It is so crucial to treat leucorrhea, it can have all sorts of negative effects on not only your
health but also how you socialize and interact with people. If you are embarrassed to
approach a gynecologist or just want a natural remedy, we have got you covered.
We can help you treat this problem all-naturally at home by providing a list of some of the
most effective leucorrhea home remedies. However, before jumping into the question of
how to cure leucorrhea naturally, we must understand what the problem entails.
Let’s learn the basics about leucorrhea and then some home remedies for leucorrhea
Leukorrhea refers to irregular vaginal discharge that has a foul-smelling odor and is red,
brown, or yellow in color.
While regular vaginal discharge is healthy, leukorrhea is not. It might not only be an
indicator of bigger health concerns but also lead to bigger health problems.
Other than the irregular and abnormal vaginal discharge, some other symptoms accompany
leukorrhea. Let’s take a look at what these symptoms include.
Symptoms that can be used to identify the presence of leucorrhea are:
● Pain during menses
● Heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen
● Soreness in lower body and difficulty in heavy movements
● Eating disorders
● Digestive disorders
It is equally as important to understand the risk factors behind the onset and persistence of
leucorrhea as it is to understand the symptoms.
An understanding of the risk factors can help you understand how to prevent the problem
from occurring and how existing errors in care can be removed.
Mentioned below are some of the most common causes of leucorrhea:
● Infection in the vaginal tract caused by bacteria
● Poor vaginal hygiene and lack of cleanliness, especially during menses
● Sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to leucorrhea
● Contaminated underpants and a dirty toilet can also lead to the onset of leucorrhea
According to experts, these are some of the most common causes of leucorrhea. Ensuring
that such conditions are eliminated will allow you to prevent the onset or progression of the
Let’s now take a look at some home remedies for leucorrhea.
Mentioned below are some remedies that will help you treat the problem of abnormal
vaginal discharge at home:
● Neem: Neem is a medicinal herb that has antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal
properties. It also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat
leucorrhea by expelling toxins from the body and killing all bacteria.
You can prepare neem water or consume neem-infused tablets.
● Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is extremely beneficial and helpful for those suffering from
leucorrhea as it can help manage the itching and burning sensation that
accompanies excessive discharge. It is calming and soothing, an effective antioxidant.
You can either apply aloe vera to the affected area or drink aloe vera juice twice a
● Amla: Amla is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antioxidant
properties. It can help with the symptoms of leucorrhea by strengthening the
immune system and flushing out harmful substances from the body.
You can make a paste out of the fresh fruit and apply it to the vaginal tract for 15
minutes twice a day, or eat the fruit itself to cleanse the body from within.
● Coconut: Coconut is known to have a lot of medicinal properties, it is known to fight
bacteria and viruses. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Coconut is capable of killing microbes, making it effective in the treatment of
You can drink coconut water in order to treat the problem from within or apply
coconut oil only to the affected area to get rid of irritation and inflammation.
In addition to the remedies mentioned above, you can undertake some other precautions in
order to ensure the problem does not persist.
● Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins from your system.
● Avoid intake of alcohol and drugs as they can worsen the situation.
● Clean your underwear properly using a detergent that is antibacterial and antifungal.
● Do not use cosmetic powders and fragrant products in your genital area as they can
cause irritation and disturb the ph balance.
● Include fresh curd in your diet as it contains lactic acid, which has proven to be
useful in preventing unnecessary discharge.
If you have abnormal vaginal discharge, don’t worry, you are not alone. It is a relatively
common problem and a lot of women are in the same boat as you. Leucorrhea is a problem
that has bothered women for years, meaning that there are a lot of home remedies for
leucorrhea – and these have proven to be effective.
The remedies mentioned here will help you control and cure leucorrhea if used properly and
as directed.