Fatty liver disease, as the name suggests, is a condition that includes increased build-up of
fat in the liver. It is one of the biggest contributors in liver failure. Thus, the treatment of this
problem is absolutely essential. Fatty liver disease is of two types – alcoholic and
nonalcoholic. The non-alcoholic type is the one that is most prominent and is believed to
affect more than 25 percent of the world population. As far as the treatment is concerned,
food is one of most important factors that need to be considered. An effective fatty liver
diet leads to speedy recovery.

A good fatty liver treatment diet makes sure that the effective results are delivered faster.
Reducing the intake of some food items and increasing the intake of others, can be really
1. To embark the journey towards recovery, the first step is to make sure that you
avoid toxic substances at all. Therefore, the first step is to avoid alcohol as much as
2. Control the sodium intake in the diet.
3. Avoid saturated foods at all costs as they are responsible for depositing more fat in
the liver. Do not consume red meat, baked foods, fried food items, yogurt (except
when it is low-fat), candies, sodas, full fat cheese and even poultry except for lean
white meat.
4. Another great thing to include in a diet for fatty liver is almond milk or low-fat cow’s
milk. While calcium is important for the body, the right thing to resolve the issue of
fatty liver is to monitor the calcium intake. Drink up to three glasses of either of
these kinds of milk per day.
5. In order to prevent the consumption of added sugar, say no to all carbonated and
other soft drinks.
6. Garlic is one ingredient that can help in decreasing body fat mass in people as well as
the fat in the liver. This will prevent the problem from further aggravating.
7. Consumption of soy products like tofu, soy milk can help with fatty liver. It is
believed to have a good metabolic effect on people with fatty liver problem.
8. Drinking coffee is believed to be ideal in such situations. ALthough, make sure that
you consume it without adding sugar or creamers. Doctors believe that coffee can

permeate the gut, making it more difficult for people to absorb fats. How many
times to consume coffee in a day depends on the patient and the advice of a
9. The best of all beverages is water even when it comes to the treatment of fatty liver.
It is way better than any of the sugary and high-calorie alternatives. It prevents
dehydration and its negative effects on the liver.
10. Mediterranean diet has been believed to be the ideal diet for reducing a fatty liver.
This diet is a perfect combination of all kinds of foods that help reduce fat in your
liver. They are antioxidants, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Food items
that are included in mediterranean diet are fruits, legumes, seafood, nuts,
vegetables, whole grains, etc.
11. Choosing the right fat to include in the diet is very important. Studies have proven
that people with fatty liver disease often have a condition called insulin resistance. In
order to make sure that the insulin is better absorbed in the body, certain fats must
be consumed in food. This means that the cells will take in glucose and the liver
won’t have to make and store fat. How to consume fat?
● Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, fish oil, vegetable oils, nuts, flaxseeds and
flaxseed oil, and leafy veggies.
● Monounsaturated fats in plant sources like olives, sesame, canola and
avocados help with feelings of satiety and reduce liver enzyme levels.
12. Vitamin E rich food items like spinach, nuts, sunflower seeds, green tea, red bell
peppers, spinach, and peanuts, are beneficial to people with fatty liver.
13. Minerals and vitamins are an important part of a fatty liver diet. Make sure you
consume Vitamin D by sitting in the sun or by consuming low-fat dairy items. Do not
miss out on Potassium. Foods like salmon, broccoli, sweet potatoes, bananas, peas,
etc., are rich sources of Potassium. Last but not least is Betaine that can protect the
liver from fatty deposits. Shrimp and wheat germs are the foods that can suffice the
While there is no legit drug that can be used as a treatment for fatty- liver, diet is the
primary means to make things right. Following the above mentioned fatty liver diet tips to
the maximum extent make sure that you overcome the problem in the most natural way
without bearing any side effects.