When it comes to vaginal health in women, a common complaint is about discharge from
the vagina. This complaint is so common that it accounts for more than 20% of the reason
women visit gynecologists in panic.
If you are suffering from this problem as well, don’t panic. We promise it is not as scary as it
might seem and is, in fact, completely normal. It is a minor condition that is actually brought
about by the vagina attempting to clean itself.
The only scenario in which vaginal discharge can become a matter of concern and when you
are allowed to panic is when it takes the form of leukorrhea, a more serious version of the
same condition. Beyond a certain threshold, even vaginal discharge can be dangerous.
Still a little unclear about what leukorrhea entails and how a minor condition can go on to
become a matter of concern? Here is all the information you need to understand what
leukorrhea is and whether you should start worrying about it.
It is not an unknown fact that women experience discharge from the vagina. This discharge
can be thick or watery, and can be yellowish or white in color. The appearance of this
discharge differs from woman to woman, depending on their age and how much they move
from place to place.
Vaginal discharge to a certain limit is necessary and completely healthy as it is meant to
flush out the dead cells produced by reproductive organs. In fact, it is crucial in the
maintenance of a healthy vagina.
It is when this discharge becomes black, brown, deep yellow, or red in color and emits a foul
odor, along with being so profuse that something like a pad is needed to contain it, that it
becomes something to be taken very seriously. That is when it takes the form of leukorrhea,
a rather serious medical condition that you can worry about.
In order to understand leukorrhea, it is crucial to understand the factors behind its onset.
Let's attempt to understand the reason behind vaginal discharge turning from something
healthy for the body to something dangerous.
Here is a list of factors that can lead to the development of leukorrhea:
● Infection of the urinary tract from bacteria or fungi.
● Pregnancy at a young age can also lead to leukorrhea as the body is not prepared for
● Inflammation of the uterus or pelvic region can also lead to leukorrhea.
● Sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea can also lead to the onset
of this condition.
● Poor vaginal hygiene and lack of cleanliness, especially during menses, can lead to
● A weakened immune system can also lead to the development of this condition
● Stress or depression, to some level, also contribute to the onset of this vaginal
Now that we know what can trigger the onset of leukorrhea, it is equally important to
understand the symptoms that the health concern leads to.
Symptoms of discharge are the major determiners between leukorrhea vs normal
discharge. Let’s take a look at symptoms that accompany the former to see how it is more
complex and more serious.
Other than vaginal discharge, some other symptoms take root when the condition becomes
a matter of concern. Let’s take a look at what these symptoms can look like:
● Nausea and breathlessness
● Weakness and exhaustion
● Headache and dizziness
● Pain in menstruation
● Pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen
● Digestive disorders
● Eating disorders
● Anemia
It is evident that leukorrhea can be a rather serious problem from the list of symptoms
If you feel that your vaginal discharge is contributing to the experience of any such
symptoms, maybe you have a reason to worry and visit your gynecologist.
This is all the information you will need to determine whether you should be worrying about
leukorrhea or not, but let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions
about this condition to better understand it and solidify the response.
1. Is leukorrhea the same as vaginal discharge?
Answer: Leukorrhea is a form of vaginal discharge but the two are not exactly the same.
2. Is leukorrhea normal?
Answer: Leukorrhea can be normal, it depends on the overall health of a woman and what
other symptoms she suffers from.
3. How much leukorrhea is normal?
Answer: There is no normal amount, it differs from woman to woman. It is, however,
abnormal when it cannot be contained without the use of aids like sanitary pads.
4. Is leukorrhea harmful?
Answer: Yes, leukorrhea can be harmful as it can lead to other problems while itself
signifying other health issues.
If you are suffering from leukorrhea, a heavy amount of foul-smelling and odd-colored
discharge from the vagina – it is best to consult a gynecologist.
It can be an indicator of bigger health issues and should be treated in order to ensure
optimal health.
You will have no reason to worry about leukorrhea as long as you pay attention to your
vaginal health and consult with your gynecologist regularly.