A very common issue we all face when we often face a bad odour from our vagina. Is it healthy
to have a bad odour from the vagina? A vagina may not have a healthy smell to it, and that
really common and normal issue. A smell from the vagina may also tend to be disgusting
sometimes, mostly at the time of menstruation or when the vaginal discharge is shedding more.
There might be chances of infection due to which the odour is more very strong or the colour is
changed. Sometimes vaginal discharge may cause a vaigna smell. Here we will get to know why
exactly a vagina smell arises and what it is a sign.
It can be most of all common issues, which don't need any medical help. Other than that there
might be some problems and causes which strictly need to be diagnosed.
● Unhygienic way of living
● Forgotten tampons or sanitary pads for more than a day
● Vaginitis-it is to describe various infections and inflammation in the vagina. The
infection can be caused due to yeast or bacterias. Which can cause bad odour and
irritation on your vagina.
● Trichomoniasis – is a common curable sexually transmitted disease, and the infection
can result in a smell from vagina.
● Vaginal cancer –the cause can be very bad odour and heavy discharge.
● Cervical cancer-cervical cancer the smell is fishy and foul, with the discharge of various
● Fistula or piles -as the vagina tends to be sour and bloody. The smell is very pathetic.
The other cause of smell while fistula can be blood.
The vagina can smell for various reasons sometimes for your unhygienic way or after or before
your menstruation is yet to start and sometimes it might be for you being you! Vagina stores
billions of bacteria in it, which change and multiply daily, hourly and weekly. Here are the
reasons what your smell tells you about.
1. When it smells metallic- if your vagina smells like a metallic or copper type.It is nothing
to worry about actually because sometimes the most common reason for the copper
smell is because of the blood and blood contains iron
○ The cause of blood is mostly for menstruations, as mensuration passes by the
vaginal canal it smells like copper.
○ Sex-sometimes due to dryness or vigorous sex, it often tends to have cuts and
scratches on the vagina which may cause bleeding.
2. Rotten stint-a rotten stinct may be the reason for your unhygienic behaviour. For
example –if you have forgotten to change your tampons or sanitary napkins for 1 or 2
days. The most reason to have a rotten smell from your vagina can be not your vagina
that stinks but something left on your vagina and you forget.
3. The smell is similar to the body odour-well that is very common almost everyone faces
it. It can be for mental and emotional stress. I know it might sound odd. but the sweat
glands can be the reason for smell because apocrine glands tend to be distinct on your
armpit as well as vagina.
4. Chemical like stint- a very weird detergent like smell can disturb your vagina. which may
also lead to a doctors appointment. These type of stinct can be of two reason
√ Bacterial vaginosis-a very common infection. With symptoms of a fishy odour, itching in the
vagina, grey, white or green discharge and burning.
√ Urination-urine can be the cause of the smell as urine contains the same result as ammonia,
which can create a chemical smell around the vulva.It can be because of dehydration if the
smell is strong.
5. Tangy smell-it is also very common in can be due to acidity as the lactobacilli
bacteria keep the vagina acidic.
6. A robust and earth smell can again be a reason for bacteria as the pH level of vagiana
keeps changing.
Some people are so careful and love to take care of the vagina as well or want to smell good
before an intercourse session often ask how to make a vagina smell good. Here are good to go
● wash your vagina with water, every time you pee or use a bathroom. Or the bath area is
between the legs, so you can use soap. Wash it after an intercourse
● Change your underwear daily
● Use a ph level product
● Take a bath with apple cider vinegar.
● Use essential oils which are only recommended for vagina or gentile.
● Have probiotic food, which is good for bacteria.
● Stay hydrated
The vaginal smell can be problematic and sometimes be so stressful that you seek a doctor as
soon as possible. But this is what you don’t have to be scared of, as this is a very normal issue,
until and unless you are diagnosed with cancer or infections. A normal vagina smells musky,
mild, and fleshy and may or may not be unpleasant for your nose. To know why does your
vagina smells. Here are some smells which depict the growing condition of the vagina and how
it stinks. Those who are currently worrying about how to take care of an unpleasant odour, take
a few tips from the articles which will help you to overcome that. If the odour is still lying
somewhere then consult a doctor for further treatment.