Fatty liver disease is a chronic disease occurring mostly in alcoholic, diabetic, and obese
people. The accumulation of fats in the liver creates dysfunction in the entire body
functioning and creates several damages. The disease can become severe and become life-
threatening as well. Usually, when fatty liver diseases are left untreated for a long time, it
causes cell damage leading to liver failure.
We know how yoga helps in calming our minds and solving our body issues with a spiritual
approach. So, let us find out some effective fatty liver yoga and try to control and cure the
disease as much as possible.

We have brought to you some easy and effective yoga asanas that will alleviate your liver
health and improve its functioning. So, the asanas are:
1. Kapalbhati Pranayama
Pranayama refers to breathing exercises that benefit the entire body. Breathing exercises
the oxygen in the blood, benefitting blood circulation and boosting organ health. Kapalbhati
Pranayam is an ancient yoga practice that relaxes the eyes, strengthens the lungs, and
improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
This breathing exercise helps in stimulating liver functions and works effectively on liver
diseases. Focusing on every breath with closed eyes is the ideal way to get the best results.
It helps in the proper secretion of the hormones resulting in ideal blood circulation and
● Sit in a cross-legged position and keep your back straight
● Join the index finger and thumb to make a hand mudra and rest them on your lap.
The hands must be straight.
● Close your eyes and start exhaling out your breath.
● Make sure that your stomach goes inwards with every breath you exhale
● Do this exercise as per your comfort. 1 or 2 mins is an ideal time though.
2. The Boat Pose or Navasana
The navasana helps in building core strength and strengthens the abdomen muscles. The
abdomen includes organs like the liver, kidney, gallbladder, etc. The boat asana helps in

strengthening these organs and ensures their proper functioning. This helps in promoting
digestion and detoxifies the body from harmful toxins. So, the steps to perform the boat
pose are as follows:
● Lie down on your back and put your hands on your sides and relax.
● Now lift your upper body as well as lower body, balancing the whole body on the
● The hands go up straight, horizontally aligned to the floor. The hands should be at
shoulder levels helping in balancing the posture. Make sure that you don't take
support by resting your hands on the knees or floor.
● Remember to keep the muscles tight.
3. The Locust Pose or Salabhasana
The locust pose is a bit tough and technical at the start but it gets better with practice. Since
it is a bit critical, we should be cautious at first when performing the asana.
● Lie on your stomach with hands by the side and relax
● Now you may choose to keep the palm on the floor or the backside at your
● Take a deep breath, exhale and lift your head and chest area while the stomach and
the abdomen rest on the floor.
● Lift the lower body as well, starting from the thighs to the toes.
● Elevate the legs to the height of the head, both being lifted up
● Try to hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute and relax.
The salabhasana helps in strengthening the pelvis, thighs, and abdomen. This helps in the
proper functioning of the organs and their functioning. This is one of the best asanas in yoga
for fatty liver disease.
4. The Frog Pose or Mandukasana
The frog pose directly affects the liver and digestive system of the body. The pose helps in
improving blood circulation, especially in the abdomen. The lack of which can be the cause
of fatty liver disease. Fatty liver yoga is an effective life hack to maintain a healthy liver
without chemical aids.
● Kneel and keep your knees wide apart
● Now sit down on your legs while kneeling just like vajrasana
● Keep your hands over the belly button and slightly press it after exhaling

● With hands intact, start needing forward until the chest touches the knees. In this
way, the face comes in between the knees left wide apart at the start.
● Hold the pose for 30 seconds at least while continuing breathing and relax.
These were 4 fatty liver yoga asanas that help in proper hormonal secretion and functioning
of the liver. These immensely help in improving liver health and can be used as:
● Yoga for fatty liver grade 1
● Yoga for fatty liver grade 2
The asanas work and benefit for both grade 1 and grade 2 fatty liver disease.
Yoga is a convenient, health-oriented practice that helps in benefitting the body by
improving its functioning. Fatty liver yoga is an effective way in our pursuit of curing and
improvising the liver and controlling the disease as much as possible.