The liver is the second largest organ in the body after skin. The most important function of
the liver is to produce an emulsifier called bile. Bile is often confused to be an enzyme,
rather it helps the digestive enzymes to break down fats and digest them during digestion.
It may sound ironic but the liver that helps in the digestion of fats can store fats as well.
Fatty liver is however not healthy and causes many problems or dysfunction in the body. Let
us know about some fatty liver symptoms to be aware of!
Usually, there are no symptoms of fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease indicates the
presence of too many fats in the liver which causes liver inflammation. Liver inflammation
gives rise to scarred tissues that further disrupt the normal functioning of the liver.
The most common fatty liver symptoms – back pain and abdomen pain in the right side of
the body along with discomfort and uneasiness.
Generally, fatty liver disease often develops complications and leads to liver scarring. Liver
scarring of liver fibrosis is a condition where the accumulation of different tissues takes
place often leading to chronic liver diseases.
So, coming back to fatty liver symptoms, they are:
1. Difficulty or discomfort in changing positions like sitting and standing. The most
difficult one is having to lie down or having to get up after lying down. The overall
movement of the body becomes a problem.
2. We know that liver juices help in digesting fats and helping in the digestion process.
With fats being stored in the liver is it possible that bile secretion is hampered
creating trouble with the overall digestion procedure.
3. With irregular secretion of bile and improper digestion, there are high chances to go
through the loss of appetite. We don't feel hungry often leading to indulging in very
little food.
4. Consumption of less food further leads to weight loss. It may seem ironic but weight
loss has been a common symptom of liver diseases.
5. It can cause spots or rashes on the skin. If the treatment of liver diseases are being
delayed for a long time, it may cause the skin to itch. Also, certain proteins develop
in the liver due to fatty liver and get leaked out into the bloodstream. These proteins
then try to move out through the skin causing the area to darken and form spots.
6. If fatty liver disease is left untreated for a long time then the chemical substances
can cause the liver to swell and damage the cells. A swollen liver is easily noticeable
and can be alarming as well.
These are some of the symptoms of fatty liver which might help you to be cautioned in the
early stages only. It is always beneficial to detect the disease at an early stage as it is more
durable and open to experimentation at this stage.
It is very important to understand the cause of such a chronic disease and take some
precautionary steps from before. The easiest way to understand the mechanism is that,
when the body is unable to break down the excess fats produced and metabolize them, the
excess fats get stored in the liver and cause fatty liver disease.
Since consumption of alcohol is popularly linked with damaging the liver or causing
problems in the liver, it is best to notify that it is true. Alcohol is harmful to the liver and
causes alcoholic fatty liver disease. It is the most common cause of the occurrence of fatty
liver disease.
However, only alcoholic people don't have to develop fatty liver diseases. The common
cause of fatty liver disease amongst non-alcoholics are:
● Insulin Resistance
● High Blood Sugar
● Obesity
Well, these causes directly point towards diabetic patients and obese people. Nowadays,
obesity is becoming a serious concern, especially since the worldwide pandemic. With most
physical activities coming to a halt, sitting and eating is the most active activity performed
by half of the population, especially young adults and teenagers.
With high levels of fats in the blood, it becomes difficult to break down and metabolize all of
them causing problems and dysfunctionality.
As for diabetic patients, fluctuating blood sugar levels can cause almost any problem in the
body. Diabetes is a chronic disease and has to be kept under strict surveillance all the time.
Excessive sugar can cause severe troubles to the body including fatty liver disease. Also,
diabetes and obesity are a life-threatening combination so it is best to lose weight as soon
as diabetes is diagnosed for better survival rates and healthy living.
Fatty liver symptoms are pretty basic and point out in the first go. However, if you doubt
that some problems with the liver are possible based on your lifestyle them every little
change must be observed. It is best to consult with the doctor and have a proper check-up
to be on the safe side.