An auto-immune disease is a form of disease that cause your immune system to attack or
destruct healthy cells in your body because they don’t recognize these cells as your body’s
own. It causes the body to develop many other diseases.
Hashimoto thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease which makes the thyroid become
underactive and causes hypothyroidism. It is caused by poor immune or existing auto-
immune disease and can become fatal if left unchecked. It’s not anything to worry about if
you don’t develop hypothyroidism, but it’s better to be safe and seek treatment. Let’s find
out more about hashimoto thyroiditis treatment and causes here!
When the body’s immune system starts to destruct healthy cells and cause problems in
proper body function, the condition is called an auto-immune disease. Hashimoto
thyroiditis is an auto-immune disease that obstructs healthy function of the thyroid gland. It
cause the immune system to attack healthy cells in the thyroid gland and as a result the
body develops hyporthyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is a thyroid disease that is caused by ineffective or scarce production of
thyroxine hormones in the thyroid gland. It can cause people to gain weight suddenly or
make muscles and bones weaker. Usually, hypothyroidism can be treated easily if diagnosed
in time and is taken care of in accordance to your doctor or physician’s instructions.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or hashimoto dieasease is an auto-immune disease, and people with
a tendency to develop immune system related diseases can be prone to hashimoto disease.
There are some factors that can make people more likely to develop hashimoto’s thyroiditis,
so it’s better to seek medical counsel if you feel like you may have hashimoto thyroiditis.
Here are some known risk factors of hashimoto disease:
1. Genetic conditions
2. Family history of the disease
3. It’s more likely to affect women than men
4. More commonly seen in middle aged people
5. Existing immune conditions or deficiencies

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis initially appears as a swollen or enlarged thyroid gland or goiter, but
with time more indications will start appearing. However, knowing the symptoms of
hashimoto’s disease can be helpful, but they can’t give you a proper diagnosis. It is advisable
to seek medical diagnosis as soon as you notice any indications of hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Here are some of the known indications of Hashimoto thyroidits:
1. Fatigue or uneasiness
2. Unprovoked weight gain
3. Muscle pain
4. Digestive problems
5. Increased sensitivity to cold
6. The uterine environment may become temporarily infertile
7. Irregular menstruation
8. Moodiness or depression
Hashimoto thyroiditis treatment is not always needed for patients unless they develop
hypothyroidism. It is important to tell your doctor all your symptoms and dietary or lifestyle
habits and maintain transparency with your doctor or physician. This can help them provide
you the treatment your condition requires in accordance with your medical history, age, and
Hashimoto natural treatment also requires medical counsel, to understand the diet and
lifestyle change you need to make, a doctor or physician will give you extensive instructions
to manage your Hashimoto disease. Here is what you need to do to treat Hashimoto’s
disease naturally:
1. Meditate regularly and manage your stress and mental health effectively. Your
mental health can affect your thyroid treatment severely as well, so it is advisable to
take measures to relieve stress and keep a clear mind.
2. Keep yourself physically active and exercise well every day in accordance with your
diet plan. Obesity can put you at risk of developing hypothyroidism and can become
fatal for you.
3. Manage your diet and eat healthy and natural foods to keep your thyroid gland and
immune system happy and healthy. A Hashimoto thyroiditis diet plan can be
prescribed by your doctor to complement or supplement your thyroid treatment. A
healthy and balanced diet ensures your body gets enough nutrients to keep the

immune system intact and induce healthy production of thyroxine hormones in the
thyroid gland.
4. A healthy sleep schedule can save you from any kind of hormone balance in your
body that can cause it to develop hypothyroidism. A regular and healthy amount of
rest and sleep can make your immune system capable of recovering on its own as
5. Do not take medications or supplements without your doctor’s approval, if you feel
like there is some unusual activity in your body, it’s better to let your doctor know
instead of taking medications or natural remedies without medical consultation.
The thyroid gland is responsible for many vital functions of our body, any obstruction in the
immune system or thyroxine hormone production can cause many problems in the body.
Hashimoto thyroiditis is such an auto-immune disease that can be fatal to your thyroid
gland. It can cause hypothyroidism as it makes the production of thyroxine in the thyroid
gland scarce. However, it can be treated naturally by following a healthy diet, regularly
exercising, sleeping properly, and managing stress properly. It is an immune disease and so
it is important to take good care of your immune system.